Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We're the Only Ones Launching Hysteria Enough

Oh, look. A single-shot disposable  AT4 Trainer!

Which makes Beck a con artist, and not a very skillful one.

Think police and government authorities who want to disarm you have securing your blessings of Liberty in mind?

Think the "Authorized Journalists" know?

Think they should?

Think the Associated Press in particular has an agenda?

Think most Angelenos would give a damn if you told them they were being hustled or is the conditioning--what did Holder call it?--"brainwashing"--that complete?

Think again.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]


  1. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)5/16/2012 2:55 PM

    I can't read what the label says, but the word "Trainer" looks like it was put on later with a Sharpie, or some such marker. That would make it suspect, IMHO.

  2. Orlando PD did the same thing a few years ago, and paraded a TOW missile transport tube around, claiming that it was a missile launcher.

  3. Crotalus,
    It's an old throw away rocket launcher thats only good for one shot and a lot of times thet keep the old Tubes for training by marking them. You can buy those things all over the place, I've even seen them on ebay and if they are used they are no longer considered a firearm as per the BATF.

  4. It's not even that. This one wouldn't even do one shot. I put links in these posts for a reason.

  5. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)5/16/2012 7:09 PM

    Yeah, I followed those links, so the trainer is real. The word on the side of the tube looked funky, which is why I was wondering about it.

  6. Think the "Authorized Journalists" know?

    No, nor do I think they GIVE a rat's ass. They're leftist. They don't HAVE to care. They just have to parrot the party line.

    Think the Associated Press in particular has an agenda?

    If it doesn't then the Pope is a muzzie.

    Think most Angelenos would give a damn if you told them they were being hustled, or is the conditioning--what did Holder call it?--"brainwashing"--that complete?

    They're too stoned - and too brainwashed - to give a crap. I figure the brainwashing is pretty much complete.


    There is a variant that does actually fire, albeit a 9mmf. Kind of want one know.

  8. Ha Ha Ha! Stupid police chief: The "rocket launcher" is an M136 LAW (Light Antiarmor Weapon) one-shot (can't be reloaded) launcher which is only useful for practicing dry-fire. As noted above, it says "TRAINER" on the side. If the chief held it at a different angle, the camera would show that it to be an empty tube.

    Burnt Meatballs: The yellow stripe means HE, BLUE means inert trainer. This one started out live, was fired, and then kept as an inert trainer. (We did it all the time in the infantry units I've been in.) Again, it can't be reloaded. Probably brought home by someone in the National Guard, whose wife/girlfriend/mother saw an opportunity to get a free gift-card for something she didn't want around.

    This is grand-standing to force a solution where there isn't a problem.

    I posted this as a comment to the news story also. 9mm trainers are firearms, kept in arms rooms, but because they are one-shot reloadable tools, probably are legal even under CA law.


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