Thursday, June 28, 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different

If only they would disarm you and me...[Watch]


  1. WTF..............??????????????

  2. second that WTF...

  3. You don't support the First Amendment! You are opposed to artistic hyperbole. And....

    Yoo bee raycizz an'shit!

  4. Dang, I can't un-watch that, can I?

  5. My first thought has already been stated... WTF?

    I'm sitting here trying to post some questions regarding that... video, and I can't formulate coherent thoughts. Hell, I think I caught a secondhand high just by watching it (and no one that I choose to allow in my life does drugs). The only things I got out of that video are that he can't sing, he can't dance, he can't speak clearly, and he (and erybu-y) love struh-lin.

    Nowhere in the lyrics did I get that it was meant to help end gun violence (or increase gun control). I only got that from the banner he put in there.

    I have a headache now.

    David, there are some things I wish you wouldn't share. :)

  6. Everybody know you bee razist for postin dis...

  7. I am sooooo glad I had the sound turned off before I clicked the link!


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