Friday, June 08, 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed...

...sue. [Read]

Lot'ta leftist snouts in that trough...

Don't they realize what could happen if a southern bluefin tuna or a Spix's macaw swallowed one of these...?  And let's not even get into the environmental impact of producing these things, from tapping trees and exploiting indigenous labor in Brazil or Southeast Asia, to creating molds and manufacturing equipment, to production operations (say, have you seen some of the stuff that requires, like sulfur and ammonia and "PAN bad actor" chemicals like zinc oxide they use for vulcanizing agents?) all the way to clogging sewer systems after disposal...

Besides, if they're going to pass out promotional swag, I'd much rather have a Center for Biological Diversity gorilla hand ashtray for those cigars I get that are probably rolled from tobacco grown on slashed and burned rainforest land...


  1. I tried to leave this comment on the Reuters site. Maybe somebody there doesn't agree.

    Just where do the environmentalists think lead comes from in the first place if not the environment? Unless an alchemist has managed to create lead from some other base element, any lead particle fired from a gun that lands upon the earth is merely returning from whence it came.

  2. There must be a broken link or two somewhere. Where do I sign up for the ammo and the ashtray?


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