Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh Shut Up, Amital, You Collectivist Fool

That someone this fundamentally delusional is the norm in academia, whether it's an act or not, says much. [Read]

Nice to see CNN, which has made virtually no contribution to uncovering Gunwalker truths, and which blew the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with insufferable arrogance, continuing to guarantee a downward credibility spiral.  I wonder if they've crossed the event horizon/point of no return?


  1. I really am amused by the twisting Amitai Etzioni does when discussing the precedents. For instance, in Cruikshank, he accurately cited the SCOTUS clearly stating the "'bearing arms for a lawful purpose'... is not a right granted by the Constitution." Of course, he conveniently disregards that the 1A was treated by SCOTUS identically. Yet I suspect he would defend the 1A with every fiber of his being.

    As a matter of fact, he seems to be confused as to the nature and reasons for the entire Bill of Rights. The Bill Of Rights does NOT list the rights granted to us lowly peons by some benevolent government. It is a LIST OF RESTRICTIONS on the power of that government. Yet these self righteous blowhards like the author continue to distort fact with their self assumed presumption of intellectual authority based in their belief they are smarter than the average reader at these types of sites. He doesn't impress me, and if I had a child in that university, I would never pay for any class taught by this Bozo.

    Thanks so much for your continued hard work, and providing a clearinghouse type of site, where it is easier for us to locate this type of idiocy by the anti-gun prohibitionists.

  2. "...downward credibility spiral..."
    Sadly, the American public is on an upward credulity spiral. A decade ago, I spoofed and ridiculed CNN in my first novel, referencing specific bogus reports they'd manipulated. So this is nothing new for the Crappy Non-News outlet. But people still watch.

  3. None of my revolvers eject shell casings upon firing.


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