Wednesday, July 25, 2012

About Last Night

Here's the video.

Candidly, it could have gone better.

We were surprised, had no idea they were going to bring Lis Wiehl on to debate us so were caught unprepared for that (the producer sent us an email late in the afternoon, but I was already on my way to the studio, and being a fossil with a clam-shell "dumb" phone, I was unaware of it until I returned home). I was glad to see I didn’t appear as totally flustered as I felt, but I'll confess I was apprehensive about watching the results.

Then again, they’re pros and we’re expected to be able to field anything hit our way—next time, and the producer said they’d be in touch, we'll be expecting the conversation to include such parrying, and now that we know they hold such viewpoints,  we can be better prepared.

This is real different from talk radio, where you have time to explain yourself, and there was one point where I wanted to respond but backed off so Mike could talk. It's very strange being picked up by a car, getting the Bondo treatment by a makeup artist, sitting unnaturally upright, staring into a lens and getting all your inputs from an ear bud. At this point, I haven't been able to overcome butterflies beforehand, surreal muddleheadedness during and shoulda-saids after. People who do it all the time make it look easy, but it is not, at least for me.

And oh yeah: It was 6,000 rounds, Lis, not 60,000.


  1. Scott Wilson7/25/2012 10:39 AM

    How many times do you have to go on the show before Mr. Dobbs learns to pronounce your name?

    I think you did fine. No interview is perfect. And television is the hardest interview to do -- especially when you're not actually in the studio with the other people in the conversation.

    Television's rush to the next commercial break makes it hard to have an actual conversation. That conversation was barely getting started and it was over. The confused blonde girl they paired you with almost sounded like half her brain is working ONLY because you didn't get to actually debate anything. If you actually debated with Ms. Barbie it'd have been a total rout and anyone who knows you know that.

    Keep swingin' for the fence.

  2. Long Island Mike7/25/2012 12:33 PM

    Overall it was ok. Not a disaster so don't worry. But I was really surprised at Lou Dobbs. He has in the past been pretty good on 2A stuff. This time he started to spout some nonsense and that has changed my opinion on him. As for Wiel, well she gets shunted from show to show on Fox and is generally confused and bubble headed. I see her as more of a foil for the various hosts and someone to fill a seat than a serious thinker or even a lawyer. When she appears with Megan Kelley, Megan basically dismisses her legal opinions out of hand.

    Hopefully you guys get another less frantic shot on the show. Heck, maybe you guys get a show of your own in the future ! Should we start a letter writing campaign ?

  3. I wish the video elaborated on training to handle gun vs. training to get a permit vs. training to fight.

  4. Remember David, it's about "Prior Restraint" -- the gov't "allows" you to do (whatever).


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