Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Meet The Camo-Clad, Gonzo Bloggers Behind The Fast And Furious Story

Now, Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea are rarely mentioned in connection with what is perhaps the highest-profile law-enforcement failure of the Obama Administration. Their central role in unearthing the story, though, offers a glimpse at the new media cycle of news bubbling up from outlets few traditional reporters read, or would even feel comfortable crediting. [More]
This is the journalist who did that flow chart I posted about a few days back.

I was wondering if we were going to regret cooperating when this came out, but I think she did a good job paring what we talked about down to essentials, and I can't imagine a finer compliment, if you understand what it really means and how it applies to our work, than the "gonzo" recognition.

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