Thursday, August 02, 2012

José Can Say So

And he does.  And does it OK, except for that bit revealing his lack of formal training when he speculates about shooting a home intruder in the knee. [Read]

This contrasts well with my last entry, where it was pointed out a gun can be a great tool to overcome someone with much greater physical prowess.

One tired bit of snark used by those who would undermine our right to keep and bear arms is that gun owners are a bunch of cowards and weaklings, which certainly doesn't take into account that our ranks include people from all walks of life including athletes, ex-military, and men and women of unbending principle.  Canseco's thwarted (for now) wish to legally  carry a gun in CA can hardly be attributed to wimpiness of body or soul.

If a champion athlete who is "a 6'4" 250-pound martial arts expert" deems he would be better protected with a gun, how much more would someone who can't match him physically benefit?

A side note on the article's comments: Notice how dumb everyone dismissing him as dumb is?

1 comment:

  1. Some of those comments seem to border on out right hatred. He made some valid points. It does seem that he has a little trouble expressing himself, but he wasn't that hard to understand.


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