Monday, September 24, 2012

A Tragic Example

I believe it would be inappropriate for me to put one of my standard titles on something horrible like this, but it still merits being pointed out as yet one more example where police are NOT the "Only Ones" with superior training, skills and judgment. Besides which, it looks like no one is getting any special legal breaks, which is one of the criteria. [Read]

Legal responses aside, I cannot imagine the hell these people will be putting themselves through for the rest of their days. I don't see how anyone could add any punishment that would even register against what I'd be doing to myself.

[Via Hawk Eye]


  1. I don't think that there's anyone reading these blogs that thinks F7F was "botched". Murder and mayhem from U.S. guns and padding the discredited "90%" number were the results.That was the goal, with the ultimate prize being the further infringement of the 2A, if not its outright destruction. It was working flawlessly until some ATF agents who had consciences (Quelle surprise!) exposed it for the evil scam it is.

  2. I still have a problem with negligence or accidents being treated as "crimes". They are suffering enough. Leave them alone.

  3. I'm having trouble imagining a child that small being able to pick up a gun like that, let alone shoot herself with it. Not that it is impossible, of course, but I'd sure love to know the rest of the story.

    But yes... a few moment's negligence can have life changing consequences. Their pain and horror must be unbearable.


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