Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Romney asked to revoke executive privilege on Fast and Furious if elected

Sir, we need more than your applause. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column features an open letter asking Romney to put his money where his mouth is. And I'm also asking those complaining about nothing being done on Gunwalker to put up as well--it will literally take seconds to share the link on this and spread the word. If we--meaning "you"--don't, it will fail, simple as that.


  1. Don't count on it. With Romney's anti-gun record in Massachusetts, I wouldn't hold my breath.

  2. Don't hold your breath. Ro-money is every bit as anti-gun and fascist as O'bomb-a.

  3. Nonetheless, it won't kill either of you spend the amount of time it takes to complain about why this won't work to share the link and see if it might. Am I really asking too much of you?

  4. No, you are not asking too much. Every gun rights activist should be sharing your link and also writing their own letters. F&F should be on Romney's lips every time he sees a TV camera or radio microphone.

  5. Obomney needs to do a lot more than that.

    He's needs to rescind all executive orders regarding the restriction of access to firearms, foreign and domestic.

    He needs to curb the ATF substantially, making the fee for FFL $0.00 until the US Congress repeals the GCA of 1968.

    I'm tired of demanding half measures, we want the full loaf.

    Or, Romney can go straight to hell.

  6. Pat H. gets it right. It is up to Congress to repeal the GCA of 1968 and other Federal legislation with the President to sign the legislation into law. For a short list see:


    Governor Romney had a overwhelming Democratic Massachusetts Legislature that could easily override his veto.

    Point the fingers to the Legislature, not the Executive, unless the Executive is ruling by decree without consent or interference of the Legislature or Judiciary.

  7. In the case of this particular article, it is all up to the executive.


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