Friday, October 19, 2012

A Colorful Solution

So here’s an idea: Cities worried about open weapons should require loaded gun-carriers to use holsters the public can clearly see. I’m thinking holsters dyed in blaze orange or fluorescent yellow. [More]
I guess Dave Helling here never learned the key lesson from Tropic Thunder.


  1. This same individual possibly things that hunters look fabulous in those orange tones.

    I have a better idea than requiring holsters in bright colors - red vests with concentric rings of black and white on the front and back mandatory for those who choose to go unarmed. Being a target is a choice. Share your choice with everybody. I think that it is reasonable for us to force you to do that. I am sure that some who are armed will enjoy your fashion sense and will also wear one just to promote fun and conversation. I can picture it now:

    #1 I have a knife. Give me your money or I will cut you.

    #2 No. BANG!

    End of conversation.

  2. The choice of words is certainly entertaining. I had a ball visualizing gun carriers being "loaded." I suspect that wasn't his intention at all.

    But it is obvious that this person needs to spend some real time in an area where open carry of firearms is not controversial or "scary" to the average person. And I'd love an opportunity to put him through a basic firearms class so he would at least have some little clue what the heck he's talking about. :(

    My plain brown OC holster seems to be quite visible, actually. It's almost getting boring to have so many people ask if I'm carrying a Glock... and I feel a need to stop and kindly explain the difference between that and a Springfield XD. :)


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