Tuesday, October 02, 2012

In Excess

Sure be nice if gun owners with this kind of wherewithal would become angels on a couple of documentary film projects that need help if they are to become reality. [Read]

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

  1. Ah those eeeevil rich! How dare they spend the fruit of their own labor as they see fit!? Truth is, case warfare is the refuge of no talent whiners like Lewis Do-good. If Lewis spent his time striving for exellence instead of writing leftist class-envy drivel he too might have disposabe income. Here is a hint Lewis: its my money, I earned it, and I'll spend it as I please, whether on benevolence (10% of my gross), guns and ammo, or dinner out with my wife. In any case, it simply is not your business how others spend their hard-earned income. So shut up and get a real job.


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