Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mr. Popular

“There are so many people in Washington who come and talk to us about the Constitution and the rights that they want kept sacred and that not do anything about them. (sic) That we not change them. That we not amend them,” said Hinojosa. “And I can tell you that — I’m drawing a blank on the Second Amendment, but I think it’s the weapons, isn’t it? The NRA?”

“And especially those machine guns. Why in the hell do we have to have machine guns? And don’t touch that, because NRA will come and put you on the black list,” Hinojosa said. “Well, I didn’t go up there to be Mr. Popular. I went up there to do the right thing. To help our community. To protect them.” [More]
What an utter dolt.

That he gets elected in his district is tyranny of the majority in action.

In a sane world, this would be actionable malpractice for gross incompetence.

[via bondmen]


  1. Must be perpetually angry. His name sounds a lot like the Spanish word for "angry".

    Boy's useless as tits on a boar hawg.

  2. Dhimmicrat politics down in the (Rio Grande)Valley is 100% old-school machine. Hell! At the polling places the election Judges pretty much always carry on the election in Spanish (something utterly illegal but which local sheriffs - Dhimmicrats, natch - never seem to do anything about) and since counties in the Valley pretty much always vote Dhimmicrat for Governor (for any GOP Gubernatorial candidate the Valley is even more of a "write-off" than Romney's "47%") the Dhimmicrat Party gets to appoint pretty much all the election officials. The GOP gets to appoint an assistant election judge for each poling place but the Dhimmicrat election judge rules the roost. They pretty much expel any non-Dhimmicrat poll watchers. Neither Tammany Hall nor Chi-town have anything on the Dhimmicrat machine in the Valley.

  3. BadCyborg
    Don't you have a funny name for Republicans, or are they just perfect?

  4. Another embarrassment for Texas. What a jerk...and stupid as Sheila Jackson Lee.

  5. As my South Texas-born-and-raised wife put it, the biggest reason he's elected is that he's the right ethnicity.


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