Friday, October 26, 2012

That's a Simple Case, Alright

The guy ignored a restraining order and then a "No Guns" sign, but if a background check had been required, why we'd all be drinkin' that free Bubble Up and eatin' that rainbow stew. [More]

"And, make no mistake," he writes, "this is a conversation the American public wants to have."

Not the ones with the real money, Dan, the ones pushing you to the side, the ones taking over from you...


  1. Like our friend Kurt asks, what part of shall not be infringed don't you understand?

    Since the last 3 years that you can access they are in the negative, how does the Brady bunch even pay Danny boy?

  2. Just tried to post a response. We'll see if it gets through. If not, here it is:

    Let's review:
    1) Murder has been morally and legally wrong since Cain and Abel. Apparently even God can't stop a determined murderer.
    2) There was a restraining order against the murderer, which was ignored.
    3) There was a "No Guns" sign posted, which the murderer ignored.

    But sure - let's pass more pointless laws. Surely the next one will force a thug bent on violence to reconsider and join the church choir instead.


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