Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Media's Role in the Conversation About Guns...

...is to parrot what we want them to say and crush all dissent. [Read

Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists welcome.

Heretics need not apply.

I have a GUNS Magazine column due and have been wondering what to write about because there is so much.  I think John just gave me the springboard.


  1. Now, that's just blatant. Now we know that their bias is willful and deliberate.

  2. As my friend 1stLt Ben C once said to another Lt, a self-licking ice cream cone we both knew who was so sold on his own rectitude that he'd brook no challenge: "The echo that you hear, is your head up your ass."

  3. Why Kris Hundley of "The Tampa Bay Times", formerly known as "The St. Petersburg Times"? Because of pieces like this:



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