Monday, November 05, 2012

A More Limited Scale.

Guns sure are a handy tool, for the brutal murderer or the wounded spouse or the depressed teenager who has been bullied at school...I am a gun owner, myself... [More]

[Via Scott J]


  1. He says he believes in the 2nd Amendment ... except for that pesky "shall-not-be-infringed" part.

    He probably also believes in concepts like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness set forth in the Declaration of Independence along the remainder of our Bill of Rights except when they present a personal inconvenience.

    With friends like that one does not require an enema.


  2. So? the dimorats would most likely have have theirs at a gay bar.

  3. He claims that no "ordinary people" he has talked to think that having the party in a gun store is a good idea. Huh?

    Does that mean that there is possibility that "extraordinary people" that he has not talked to may think that this is a good idea?

    Or is it actually the truth that most do not give a damn where the party is because they will not be attending?

    There is an old concept of people gathering around the country store cracker barrel or cast iron stove to discuss "stuff", including politics. That general store, being the only store in town, probably also sold guns and ammo for the convenience of the customers and the profit of the store owner. That never inhibited a vigorous civil discussion, or a celebration.
    I suspect that the author of this article is into the demonization of anyone and anyplace associated with the sales of guns and ammo - bad juju.

  4. You know I noticed that when people print garbage like this they almost never accept comments. Here is one; "I believe in a more limited second amendment." is elitist speak that means
    "I believe I should have this right and not you."
    He does bring up an excellent point though- The political party of everyone shot in the US should be documented from now on. I imagine we would see some very interesting trends there!
    Have a good day.


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