Thursday, November 08, 2012


Good God Almighty! Did Obama And CIA Arm Terrorists Who Murdered Our Ambassador? [More]
Probably. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell will get right on it.


  1. The problem is the whole thing is moot!

    Think about it. The left utterly controls the narrative. They determine what is and is not "news" and how/when it is to be presented. They are why Mr. and Ms America never really heard the truth about what happened in Benghazi. The truth is, there never really was a "Benghazigate" at all. If the media hadn't exchanged their traditional role of equal opportunity gadfly for a set of cheerleader pom poms there WOULD have been. Unfortunately, today's media are total shills for the current administration. Something tells me that if by some miracle Romney had won day before yesterday, I have no doubt that he would have looked back at the drubbing he received at the hands of the media during the campaign as the "good old days".

    I, personally, see no easy way out of the situation in which we find ourselves these days. I genuinely believe the Republic to be well and truly FUBAR. It is time to wipe the hard drive and reload the operating system from scratch. I seriously misdoubt it can be done without bloodshed.

  2. I believe he did, just to justify the damned ATT treaty.


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