Friday, November 30, 2012

Bring It On, You Moron

Can you imagine being stupid or racist enough to vote for this addled...thing? [Read]

Has Guam tipped over yet?


  1. Waitaminit... Is this the idiot that didn't realize that islands are emergent undersea mountains, and thus immune to capsizing?

  2. "We don't anticipate that happening."

  3. I have to say that I am not sure that I agree with the courts that a corporation should be treated as a person. A corporation is nothing but a vehicle whereby the owners avoid liability for their actions.

    The entire premise of the constitution is one of the rights endowed upon us by our creator. Since corporations are created by the government, it seems to me that the 'rights' of corporations can properly be established and limited by government.

    If this is not so, then corporations should be able to vote, and hold elected office.

  4. Divemedic, I hear you, but consider that a corporation is a freedom of voluntary association (protected by the First Amendment) aggregate for We the People to speak for us on our mutual property interests. Also, where in the Constitution has the federal government been delegated authority to pass such a law? This is dangerous ground to cede, particularly to the statist control freaks, and if we do, then the government--which WE created, "authorized" churches and advocacy organizations--and don't forget unions--also must fall under such restrictions or you've thrown equal protection out with the corporations.


  5. The problem that I have is that corporations, unlike churches, advocacy groups, and unions, are treated as if they were people. (Unless the aforementioned churches, unions, and advocacy groups are corporations themselves.)

    What this does is create a low risk environment, whereby the corporate entity is free to do as it pleases, while the owner is shielded from any consequences beyond the loss of their investment.

    This means that a person can, through a corporation, do or say whatever he wants, and if he gets sued, loses only the stock he owned. If a sole proprietorship did the same, the owner would be ruined.

    I am not saying restrict free speech, that is stupid. What I am saying is that there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes Congress to create corporate entities that have the same rights as endowed by the creator of man.

    I believe that the mega corporation has done more to damage the rights of the individual than almost any other factor in the last 100 years.

    I'm not saying that people should be prohibited from associating, just that the individuals of the association should be considered individually for their actions, not some artificial legal person who only exists on paper.

  6. Would that Sattar Beheshti could be reached for comment.


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