Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Keeping Things in Perspective

We are everywhere.


  1. But we are not enough. Not anymore.

  2. I used to take comfort in such maps. Not anymore.

    The Republic is like Serenity in "Out Of Gas" and all of us in the liberty movement are like Malcolm Reynolds.

    In the words of Kaylee: "Sometimes a thing gets broke can't be fixed."

  3. Pretty hard to outvote rigged machines and the dead.

  4. Furthermore the GOP are like the other captain that boarded under the premise of equitable trade then just gut shot us and ordered his crew to strip the ship of valuables.

  5. Most of the people living in the scattered blue areas cannot feed nor clothe themselves. They rely upon those of us located in the red zones for their very sustenance and for all the raw materials for their manufactories. The unfortunate victims of Sandy are prime examples. They are cold, hungry, and without shelter and on the verge of experiencing yet more foul weather and have no place to go. Seemingly, their only solution is to huddle in place and expect somebody to take care of them. "Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?" - Pete Seeger

  6. David,

    Who is this "We" you speak of in relation to the map?

    The map shows what sections are "R" and which ones are "D" right?

    "Red = 'Us'" doesn't work anymore.

    And let the NRAs, the Limbaughs and other party Koolaid hustlers never been seen or heard from again.

  7. Anon--"WE"=those of us who did not support Obama, from which alliances are built. "WE" by and large live in the heartland. If you knew the first thing about my writings you'd know I never follow Limbaugh and am persona non grata with NRA.
    But if you're so much purer and less tainted by party politics than the rest of us, show us the way. Start by telling me who you are, so I can assess your record of success before shucking what I've been doing to follow you.

  8. Irrelevant. Painting large tracts of empty land red is meaningless. The population centers dictate politics, and they are solidly Marxist. We are in the middle of Obama's Great Leap Forward, with the result probably being the same as Mao's.

  9. Absolutely relevant--unless you intend to just obey when the orders--any orders--come down.


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