Thursday, November 15, 2012

Save Us Chuck Woolery!

Good, and welcome--being a gray lining/gift horse in the mouth kinda guy, I just wish he'd stayed away from that undocumented "every blade of grass" quote. [Watch]

[Via several of you]


  1. The quote that won't die. Even though there has never been proof that he ever said it. It's like the "sleeping giant" quote. Other than that, it's a good video.

  2. I don't think it really matters who first said that "every blade of grass" quote- it is true no matter who said it or when it was first said. So, here: You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

    Now I have said it, no matter who else may or may not have said it, so it is a real quote, and you can attribute it to me if you don't want to attribute it to Yamamoto or whoever first said or wrote those words (and whoever that person said they were quoting). Truth doesn't have to come from the mouth of a famous dead guy to be truth.


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