Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Deliver Us from "Differently-Abled"

Confusing Asperger’s with mental illness, and mental illness with evil [More]
Look, lady, if terrorizing and slaughtering little children isn't evil, then nothing is.

Schizophrenics and psychos and sociopaths may be as lost in their hard-wiring as Gollum and the Ring, but the end result is evil.

See, if there's no evil, then there is no good.

I guess, according to the moral relativists, Hitler was just Semitically-challenged.


  1. Oh, I agree that the kid committed an act of great evil.

    But, as a man who has been diagnosed with both Asperger's and The Dreaded Bipolar Disorder, I agree with her that the things people are diagnosed with do not make them evil.

    I've owned guns for almost seven years, and have had a CCW for two, and have killed no one. If we were to tally risk factors, I've got a lot of them, but risk factors do not make me evil.

    This lady's point is valid, but her conclusion is wrong. The boy did have free will, and he chose to do evil. He, and he alone, is at fault.

    Personally, and speaking from personal experience, the bias against mental health issues makes it a lot less likely for us to seek help. I know doctors who refuse to diagnose things like BP and ADHD simply to avoid restricting the patient's future.

  2. No argument--and that is exactly why we must avoid any new laws that will disarm those diagnosed without due process. There's no shortage of fascist shrinks saying gun ownership is a mental health problem, but aside from that, you are 100% correct that putting up threatening barriers will discourage those who need to seek help but are afraid if they do, they'll end up being reported to the "authorities".


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