Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Opinion

A reasonable question is: Who needs what kind of weapon? [More]
Some of us don't find that presumption a given.


  1. I think banning particular types of weapons is ridiculous. However, I have no problem with requiring folks to have weapon specific training before purchase and possession and different types of regulations regarding securing certain types of weapons. If you can't defend your home with a break barrel shotgun and a .38 Special revolver, then you are an idiot. From my experience on the range, most folks with ARs who aren't military or police are complete idiots; and the ammunition is fairly useless for effective home defense. And folks who are proficient and have put lots of rimfire rounds down range in practice are usually far better marksman than the obese clowns with their brand new Bushmaster that uses expensive ammunition. As someone interested in guns, I am beginning to despise these new rights orientated gun owners and long for the days of responsibility orientated gun owners. What happened to the ethic of safe and responsible gun ownership? Of mastering the weapon and tool you have. There are very few of these clowns I would hunt with because they have no clue how to act around a hunting camp. Their range behavior is deplorable. So, yes, 99% of the gun owners I see today have too much weapon with a bolt action .22 rifle and if we were rational, we would never let them have anything else beyond that. Back in the day, that's what you would have and you would be supervised by parents and uncles for years before you would move onto anything else. The NRA needs to get back to educating and promoting responsible gun ownership and get away from being industry shills trying to sell products that most of these buyers have no business owning because they are too stupid and irresponsible to possess, own, and secure. How many idiots shoot themselves because they leave rounds in the chamber? How many idiots allow their children to shoot themselves accidentally? How many idiots leave a gun in their glove box that gets stolen and used by some gang banger. If most of the high density hunting wasn't slug-only, hunting accidents would be 5-fold and are still too high. We need to lead on these issues and stop the trend where the idiots become the symbol of the NRA and gun owners. We either police ourselves or the gun control folks will do it for us.

  2. Hunters and outdoorsmen. It all makes sense. After all the 2nd amendment reads "Being Necessary to the security of a Free Steak", right?

  3. Kopride,

    David catalogs many cases of idiots shooting themselves, leaving guns where they shouldn't be and having them stolen, and letting their kids shoot themselves (go ahead and google War on guns "Only Ones").

    I actually think the NRA in a calculated move should have come out and supported an AWB today, but have it make NO exceptions to ANY domestic police force. Put it on our police to explain why THEY need high capacity magazines. Then it is easy to explain why anyone could need a high capacity magazine.


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