Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sugar, Ah Honey Honey

What an obnoxious, patronizing @$$h0!e. [Read]


  1. You ought to read some of the half baked drivel from Jim Beaver (actor) and Bill Corcoran (retired press agent) on Facebook. And others well it's hard to believe people are this stupid with lies and half truths. I've been calmly diffusing some of them.

  2. They also want to ban that "sniper rifle" that Manchin is holding.

    Gun owners who do not understand that we hang together or we hang separately need to be spoken to! We need solidarity on our gun rights, not cut and run douchebaggery.
    It’s not just about ARs. It’s about the laundry list of gun bans and restrictions that they mean to enact one after another, after another, until we have nothing left. When Schumer dropped the code word “progressives” to describe his commie compadres, he wasn’t kidding - they mean to progressively destroy our gun rights.


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