Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"The Final Straw for Me"

Yeah, well who the f*** are you, and what makes you think you have any say whatsoever on my rights? [Read]
An 18th-century amendment about militias never was meant to justify 21st-century kill technology for Bubba. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it in the 18th century. 
Oh, I see, just another one of those ignorant, provincial fools who presume themselves more cultured and wiser than us slack-jawed yokels...

Bring it on, princess.

[Via Scott J]


  1. I don't care if it is the final straw for you. You have no authority in this country. GET OUT, REDCOAT!

  2. "An 18th-century amendment about militias never was meant to justify 21st-century kill technology for Bubba. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it in the 18th century."

    Ummmmm.. ok, a bit too obvious?

    An 18th-century amendment about free-speech and regress never was meant to justify 21st-century mass technology for Joey. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it in the 18th century.

  3. In the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, militia participation and training was compulsory for all males 16 to 60:



    The weekly training was held on Sundays following church services. In the early years, no-shows were put into the stocks or fined as a warning to others. Later, beer was given as an inducement following training as a carrot was found to be more effective than a stick.

    However, growing up in one of the early settlements and knowing the history of the region, I would not advocate a return to the 17th or 18th century ways. There are several reasons for the separation of church and state, and a primary cause was the contention between Massachusetts' Puritan theocracy and the Anglicans and others who resided in Massachusetts:


    Both the Wessagussett (Weymouth) and Mt. Wollaston settlements (Quincy/Braintree) had more than a few non-Puritans, which led to conflicts with the Puritan theocracy.


  4. "Joey Kennedy, a Pulitzer Prize-winner..."

    Must have won it for his political correctness.
    Yeah, I really want to give up my guns for some douchebag who calls me "Bubba", and is so ignorant that he thinks that the idea of going back to muskets is a novelty in the gun rights debate. Is this guy ten-years old?
    Muskets? Pure douchebaggery. Ban cars and go back to horses, ban computers and go back to quill pens? The man is developmentally disabled and not worthy of even being taken seriously.
    I suppose they'll give the next Pulitzer to some sidewalk sleeping, shoeless/senseless/homeless guy, which would not surprise me, after all the unearned awards that the leftistas have heaped on their Icon-in-Chief, Obama. When is that Marxist going to fix our capitalist economy? Oh, forget I asked.


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