Wednesday, December 05, 2012

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town. [Read]

That's funny. We know the name of the dog, of the owner, of the eyewitness... somehow or other, the "Authorized Journalist" failed to include the names of the brave public servants out there risking all to prote... uh...just what the hell is it they are doing out there...?


  1. Back when you and I were kids, Policemen were respected and someone to look up to. What happened? It seems that anymore they are a bunch of trigger happy thugs. There are still a lot of good cops out there. It's a shame the ones we hear about are the asshats shooting puppies because of "roid rage".

    Maybe it's time for a section entitled "puppy killers". Since there seems to be so many of them.

  2. Radley Balko had a "puppycide" category on The Agitator. Now that he's moved over to HuffPo I don't know if it's going to be updated. What I find amazing is how many people, get outraged by dogs getting killed but are more apathetic about human beings. I kind of grok why, and think it may be a very useful emotional button to push.

  3. People don't twist themselves into knots trying to see how the dog contributed to the situation. There's only one moral agent, the lawless LEO, so the picture is clear.
    Also, quantity has an effect all by itself (as Mr. Vanderboegh often reminds us). And there's hundreds of
    gratuitous puppycides by now.

    It's like... their signalling something to each other, as graffiti vandalizers do. What might it be?

    But it couldn't be something like
    this. It couldn't be.

    all the best, cycjec


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