Friday, December 28, 2012

Works for Me

But people in this traditionally self-reliant section of timber country aren't about to raise taxes to put more officers on the road. Instead, some folks in Josephine County, larger than the state of Rhode Island, are taking matters into their own hands — mounting flashing lights on their trucks and strapping pistols to their hips to guard communities themselves. [More]
Instead of complaining about their level of training, sheriff, train them.

[Via Ed D]


  1. CSGV doesn't like this at all. They spit up their cud all over Facebook:

    This is what the dissolution of democracy and the rule of law looks like... Self-appointed posse of a dozen men in O'Brien, Oregon help deny needed funding to sheriff's department, then arm themselves for vigilante patrols.

    And Twitter:

    They're not on their own. They refuse to give law enforcement the resources they need.

    . . . and:

    Sure they can afford it. They're making a choice not to pay for it, electing instead to take the law into their own hands.

    . . . and:

    They're reporting to themselves. And they've been quoted saying they won't fund the sheriff's office.

  2. Somebody call a Whaaaambulance.

    And remember, "Every time you buy a gun, a CSGV fly gets its wings pulled off."

  3. What sticks out at me is that it's not a lack of training that would get regular people in's the lack of immunity. Since they're not official, tin-star Only Ones, they might actually be know...accountable for their actions.

    "Just think; the next time I shoot someone, I could be arrested."

  4. Train them to do what? I suspect that all of these men are well trained in the essential things.

    The trick will be for them to hold each other responsible for keeping the peace and not letting their power go to their heads.

    The sheriff isn't going to help them with that one.

  5. What I learned from the article:

    common sense; noun; the ability to perceive and choose a self-evident beneficial course of action when presented with a simple problem

    commonsense; noun; the opposite of common sense



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