Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Ambushing Lanny

So Lanny Breuer doesn't know the difference between an "Independent Counsel" and the Office of Inspector General? [Watch]

Or is it just that people who know they've been caught tend to react with guilt and panic, and it shows? For a second there it looked like he was going to cry.

I'd like to see him have to run a video gauntlet.

[Via everrest]

Cease Fire bus ad campaign a willful violation of Metro policy

What that means is, not only must the signs come down, immediately, but other Metro policies for employee termination due to willful misconduct must be invoked against the responsible manager—otherwise, the ability to discipline any employee will be legally jeopardized if it is established that management turns a blind eye to gross violations from those in its rank for reasons of political sympathy. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a botched personnel policy--no, not what the government wants us to think "Fast and Furious" is, but a real one...

Vanderboegh Update

1 in 5 chance of not surviving the surgery and cardio guy wants to put me through some kind of stress test to see if I'm okay to go under the knife...[More]
My prayers go out to Mike and his family.

The CPR Corollary

Don't think of it as Longenecker's book...think of it as a tool for activists. [More]

What Works in Apaloosa

Cole has a simple system: No guns. If he sees somebody with a gun, he’ll ask him to hand it over.

What if he refuses? “I’ll shoot him,” Cole says.

This works in Appaloosa because Cole does shoot people now and then and the town, judging from the size of the set in the movie, can’t have more than 200 inhabitants, if that. [More]
No, it works because it's fiction. Cole wouldn't last a day, at least in any place worth living.

A Scanner Darkly

So they give you cancer and they don't work? [Read]

[Via Chris S]

Govt. Agencies, Colleges Demand Applicants' Facebook Passwords

Well why not?  I mean, they and private employers order us to urinate in a cup and most accept that ritual humiliation as a matter of course. [Read]

There's no shortage of those willing to sell their birthrights for a mess of pottage.

The unintended consequence of that...well, there are no benefits without costs.

Ein Volk

Volkswagen security chief testifies against gun bills [More]
You don't say...


What do you think the chances are there'd be a headline in any major newspaper titled "The attack on the Bill of Rights" if the decision had gone the other way? [Read]

Dan Gross Demands!

Demand That Campuses Remain Safe From Guns [Read]

Maybe if he stamps his feet...

Tell you what, Mr. Gross--since peaceable gun owners demanding our rights aren't the aggressors here, next time there's a school mass murderer, have one of your reps present him with your idiot demands.

Say, there's an idea: The Brady Gun-Free Schools Squad!

You obviously enjoy such wide and deep public support, there should be no problem recruiting a core of volunteer university students at every campus across the land who are trained to approach school shooters--to remind them they are in a "no guns" zone, to let them know how deeply their actions are resented, and to demand they remove their offending weapons from the premises immediately!

Maybe as part of their rapid response kit, you could include a box of "instant vigil" candles...

Feel free to use the t-shirt design, no charge. Happy to help. Wear them well.

Widening the Path

The road to freedom ought to be a damn superhighway. [Read]

Under Pressure?

I can't say I know the first thing about this, but if any of you do, please weigh in. [Read and watch]

The Road to Damascus

Courtland Milloy just wrote a pro-gun column in The Washington Post...??? [Read]

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Ahead of the People

But our governor put the agenda of a lobby ahead of the people he was elected to represent.[More]
Actually, "the people" referenced in the Second Amendment is the "lobby."  And yes, it is "a matter of principle."

How many of us are you willing to kill for yours?

Once More Into the Breach...

...dear friend. [Read]

I spoke with Mike this morning as he was on his way in. He's taking his laptop with him, and we may yet get some posts as he awaits the scheduled rounds. In the mean time, if I hear anything else I'll let you know.

Those of you so inclined might want to take a moment...