Gunwalker Johnny-come-latelies helping to give Holder an escape route

That’s it? And this is supposed to do what to a dominating, radical agenda-driven career belligerent, backed by his president, his party and his press, who demonstrates his ongoing smirking contempt for their impotence with each day’s continued stonewalling? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it's past time to  knock off with the words and start up with the sticks and stones.

Considering Smarm

Oh, I see what she's doing--taking anecdotes and then making pictures with a gun in them to misdirect the blame through an appeal to ignorance-based emotions.

I can't reproduce any of her stupid crap here because of a rather restrictive and anally-stated use and duplication policy (funny how the ones who cause all the problems with guns would show no respect for her intellectual, physical or primordial property rights if it suited their purposes to take any damn thing they wanted from her), but I can point you to plenty of pictures where there are no guns--and more's the pity.

These bleeding heart herbivore types never consider the harm they do in their self-righteous benightedness.

[Via beulahgg]

Vanderboegh Medical Update

I just got off the phone with Mike.

He's got MRSA, a hospital-acquired infection.  He's hooked up to a feeding tube.  He says his "blood values are fairly good."

I asked him if he was able to read, thinking how mind-numbingly boring it must be, and he said yes, he's reading Katie Pavlich's book--she had a pre-publication copy sent to him.

He still sounds weak and may post something later today at Sipsey Street, but "probably not."

Respect Remington

I discussed this briefly here.

There are some more videos here and here.

I'd like to have time to explore this more deeply, because those agenda-driven frauds at NBC News really deserve to have their unethical propaganda practices exposed for all to see.  We'll see--there's a ton of stuff on my plate and only one of me.

Biden Says

...most shootings happen with victim’s own gun [More]

So you'd better get your Secret Service detail to unstrap. Assuming that's not the first thing they do when they hit the hotel room...

Say, any truth to the allegations that some of those girls were underage...?

Reduced to Whining

Boehner won't meet with us. [Watch]

Vitter won't meet with us. [Read]

What does that say about your political relevance?

Project Woodwalker

Holder's DOJ.  Is there anything they don't secure the blessings of Liberty for? [Watch]

A Simple Question

I ask a simple question: Would the other parents of victims be forever thankful if a professor or student was allowed to carry a firearm and could have stopped Seung-Hui Cho before their loved one was injured or killed? I would be. I also suspect that the tragedy may not have occurred at all if Cho knew that either faculty members or students were permitted to carry their own weapons on campus. [More]
I have a simple question, too: Do you think, deep down inside, Colin Goddard and Larry Hincker think the same thing?

Into the Light

This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light. [More]
Hey, why let a good meme go to waste?

We're the Only Ones Here to Help Enough

"He was there because of his emotional state, but to threaten him, he didn’t threaten him at all. We were telling the officer, 'please leave him alone, if you can’t help, then leave him alone,' " Ramirez Sr. said. [Read]
Never, never, NEVER call them for stuff like this, because they're not qualified to counsel and they're trained to use escalating levels of force to obtain total obedience.

Do not invite them in.

[Via Roger J]

Survey SAYS...

Aside from the Pynchon factor, there's no evidence poll respondent opinions are informed.  Still, this does show strong general support for concealed carry and use of justifiable deadly force--across all demographics. [Read]

[Via John B]

True Colors

Gov. Jan Brewer rebuffed gun-rights advocates by vetoing for a second time a bill to allow guns on public property, and sent a strong message that such a proposal would need wider support from police, cities and the public before she would sign it. [More]

Smile! You're On Cand...uh...

Sorry, I saw the name Funt and that this was another comedic deception... [Read]

Not So Smart ALEC

The rabid commies are trying to sink them and rope-selling capitalist rats are abandoning ship.

So what's a principled organization to do?

Sell out is base.

Well, there goes any motivation I might have had to help bail.

Do they really think that will stop the attack?

This Day in History: April 18

Every Man in the World, who is thoroughly acquainted with the Subject, knows, that Great Britain never can obtain a Peace, without a Diminution of her Honor and Dignity. It is impossible without Miracles, and therefore the Englishman who undertakes to plan for Peace, must be convinced of this and take it into his Plan, and consequently should avoid with the utmost Caution every Word, which should excite these Ideas in the Minds of the People. For People cannot bear the Ideas of national Disgrace. They stir Passions which make them mad. [More]