Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The End Game

We’re not talking about some random anti-gun zealot here, someone who can be just dismissed as an inconsequential kook who doesn’t speak for doctrinaire anti-gunners. He is, according to his newspaper bio, “a retired diplomat [and] a member of the editorial boards of The Blade and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.” [More]
My latest "Rights Watch" column for Guns Magazine, "The End Game," starring Homer Simpson's dumber brother, is now online.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

I didn't post anything yesterday because he'd told me he was planning to.  When I didn't see anything, and nothing for today, I was figuring another step back.

He just called.  He's struggling but thinks he's on the mend and may post later today.

Nobody Knows the Trouble He's Seen

Holder has enough GOP partisan lashes on his back to know that no matter how many facts he cites to bolster his case that he didn't know or certainly approve any illicit doings in the sting ATF operation, the issue won't go away. [More]
Really?  That's what "Gunwalker" is about?  Powerful white men taking the whip to blacks?

Typical fare for My Name is Earl here.

Do It for Trayvon

Man, getting out of the mobile armor sure was stupid. [Read]

And the "Only Ones" sure proved worse than useless.

Too bad Cunning Linguist Walt wasn't there--he could have used his tongue.

Bill O’Reilly perpetuates Fast and Furious ‘screw up’ meme

“Why the big cover up unless there’s something there they’re covering up,” Walsh responded.

“Like what?” O’Reilly challenged. “A bribe? I mean, what could it possibly be?” [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner explains the difference in standards between rich, powerful, influential, establishment-preferred "news" media stars and lowly citizen journalists.

Low-Hanging Fruit

The public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were inoperable and controlled by an undercover FBI employee, according to sources close to the investigation. [More]
Oh for crying out loud...

Stop the Threat: Car Jacking

American Trigger Sports Network
PURSUIT Channel: 
DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT 
DirecTV Channel 608 PRST 
1:30pm PST/ 4:30pm EST [More]

"No Significant Impact"

Tell that to his family. [Read]

As I said back when the House passed the bill:
A symbolic act is appropriate. Now it's up to us to use our voices and not allow it to remain just that.
[Via Tom Skoch]

Who Will Guard the Guards?

And what good would people who can't protect themselves be at protecting you? [Read]

[Via William T]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Respect yourself...or not. [Read] 

F...ing idiots.

And no, I would not. Unless it was to support rebelling freedom fighters.

[Via Steve T]

Now THAT'S Weird...

I was composing the last post and when I hit "Publish," this popped up:
Except I did nothing of the kind.

Sometimes, a little paranoia is warranted, especially knowing Sipsey Street was hacked a while back, as was the email account of one of Mike's and my key advisers. Anyone else on Blogger notice this before?

A Cunning Linguist

Your best self-defense is your tongue. [More
 Jeez, Walt, too bad you weren't at Virginia Tech or Columbine, or Sharon Tate's house, or that store in Utah we just linked to in the last post.

"CBS 5 Went Undercover"

Why? To gin up hysteria over a manufactured "loophole"? [Read]

California gun owners have already bent over to such ridiculous lengths that they tolerate insults like "bullet buttons."  As Brian Puckett wrote years back:
I sometimes wonder whether the socialists will issue an edict requiring all firearms to have a pink ribbon tied to the barrel, just to get a belly laugh as the panicked descendants of once-proud American patriots scurry to comply.
Some of us tried to show a different approach by example, but that was not very well received by those who prefer being more "reasonable."

I've emailed the gun show proprietors and asked them if they post signs prohibiting unauthorized photographs and recording of patrons and dealers.  I also note the covert video includes audio, and California appears to be a two-party consent state, which raises the question of whether or not our intrepid "undercover reporters" were the only lawbreakers in the room--funny, though, how they choose not to do covert ops against the population causing all the "gun" problems. 

Anyone familiar with the law there who can give an authoritative interpretation of this, please chime in and educate us.

I'm More Pro-Gun

No, I'm more pro-gun...[Read]

I wonder if any of them would be willing to get more specific...?

Anybody from there care to find out and let us know?

We're the Only Ones On ICE Enough

His son, also named James Woosley, and live-in girlfriend, Lateisha Rollerson -- both ICE employees -- allegedly ran the scam out of the elder Woosley's two Virginia homes. [More]
Hey, at least they weren't stiffing South American whores.

Or burning up tax dollars treating themselves to Vegas junkets.

Or advocating tactical crucifixions of those they regulate.

Or walking guns.



Forward. [Read]

As in "progressive."

As in...

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It would appear offering that proverb as advice could result in a shutdown, prosecution, fines and even conceivably jail time  here in the Land of the Free. [Read]

Didn't the guy who popularized it also say something about trading Liberty for "security"...?

This Day in History: May 1

Despite the efforts of local citizens who fortified their powder magazine, Cornwallis seized Camden on May 1, 1780, and took over the Kershaw House for his headquarters...[More]