Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Truth about Operation Wide Receiver important to determine

Among these misconceptions being repeated: that no Wide Receiver guns “walked” to Mexico because they were all controlled deliveries; that no one was killed; that the Mexican government was fully informed; that RFID tracking devices were placed in all the guns; and that the program was shut down at the first sign of danger. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report cautions that sometimes the truth is inconvenient, but we really shouldn't want it any other way.

An 11th Hour Release

I've been expecting this shoe to drop calling John Dodson's credibility into question since April. [Read]

Curious they release it just now.  Not really. It's tactical.

I wish I could say more, but I don't have permission to release rebuttal information yet.

CNN again.  Remember that.

Radio Days

  • Tina Terry will be on Rim Country Forum's annual "Fourth of July" Freedom-lovers radio show, 1420-AM KMOG, tomorrow at 9 a.m. Arizona time with host Stephanie Landers to talk about the Declaration of Independence and liberty. 
  • I joined host Bill Frady last night on Gun Owners of America Radio to talk Gunwalker and lots of other stuff.
  • I'm going to be on Kenn Blanchard's The Urban Shooter podcast tonight--actually, we'll record it and it will be posted next week (#275)--I'll announce a link when it is.

Pulling Out the Stops

Workman elaborates on the CCRKBA alert. [Read]

We talked about it yesterday--have you called your representative yet?

I just got off the phone with mine's office.  The ever-useless Steve LaTourettesyndrome hasn't shared with his staff how he's going to vote yet. I gave her several reasons why that ain't good enough and pledged to spread word of his inexcusable lack of anything remotely resembling leadership on this.

A Sneak Attack

Dan, your advertising background, you know, of being a professional liar is showing. [Read]

Right--openly introducing an amendment to a bill is a "sneak attack."

I like this new Brady head.  He looks like he's even more incompetent than Paul Helmke was, and that's a good thing.

"Under the Radar"

How could we possibly trust someone controlling an explosive-filled guided missile weighing hundreds of thousands of pounds with something as deadly as... a handgun? [Read]

Can you imagine being such a mind-crippled paranoid that you don't trust Latinos with silverware?

A Duty to Act

There is no reason to attempt to avoid the vote.  The fast and furious scandal is the most significant and obscene lawlessness in any administration in recent history, and maybe ever in American history.  Congress has a duty to act.  [More]
Which makes those trying to obstruct that duty more than derelict.  It makes them co-conspirators.


Gun rights advocates including David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh wrote extensively on the controversy and rumors surrounding Terry's death, and the allegation that ATF was attempting to "bump up its case numbers" by letting large numbers of guns "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. [More]
It's nice to see this coming out in a more widely-read place, and for more than self-aggrandizing reasons.  Obscurity helps keep important stuff buried, and constantly having to bang pots and pans takes energy and effort that could be better applied to digging.

Oh Shut Up, Amital, You Collectivist Fool

That someone this fundamentally delusional is the norm in academia, whether it's an act or not, says much. [Read]

Nice to see CNN, which has made virtually no contribution to uncovering Gunwalker truths, and which blew the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with insufferable arrogance, continuing to guarantee a downward credibility spiral.  I wonder if they've crossed the event horizon/point of no return?

Gunwalker WAS a Paranoid Conspiracy

On July 14, 2010, roughly five months before Agent Terry's murder, ATF Field Ops Assistant Director Mark Chait emailed Bill Newell, ATF's Phoenix special agent in charge of Fast and Furious. "Bill," the email read, "can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time? We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun sales. Thanks." [More]
As per their MO, the dark side projects.

What, Hoyer's from Missouri Now?

"Show me." [Read]

Your side has been asked first.  By subpoena.

My read: Stonewalled documents would provide the contextual framework to make what the Committee has bulletproof against worm-tongued "interpretation."

Until then, twist in uncertainty, Steny, and keep wondering what you dare publicly utter without having to eat it later.

Besides, we all know what he's really after. And the "Authorized Journalists" are there to accommodate him and help him redirect the focus away from the guilty.

Pay No Attention to the (Wo)man Behind the Curtain?

Field Marshal Rodham [More
Well, she has managed to keep her head down on this...