Tuesday, September 04, 2012

A Sense of Belonging

You belong to the government. Just ask the Democrats. [Read]

Romney asked to revoke executive privilege on Fast and Furious if elected

Sir, we need more than your applause. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column features an open letter asking Romney to put his money where his mouth is. And I'm also asking those complaining about nothing being done on Gunwalker to put up as well--it will literally take seconds to share the link on this and spread the word. If we--meaning "you"--don't, it will fail, simple as that.

Technical Difficulties?

Email received Friday:
Your War On Guns website has been freezing up my computer all day long. Tried it several times and still causing trouble. It is the only trouble I've been having. No links work and earlier it was loading very slowly. Anyone else having this problem? Gremlins at work?

Email received today:
Still a mess on IE8 but works on Firefox. Have no idea what's going on. Have changed nothing on my computer.
No one else has told me anything. I realize our individual setups can cause unique browsing experiences--does anyone else have the freezing/dead link problem? I'm not sure what I can do about it if you do, because Blogger is what it is and I have no independent webmaster skills--right now I'm just trying to get a feel for how widespread this is, or if it's confined to my correspondent.

When the Music Stops...

...Matt Bracken asks if we'll be prepared to face it. [Read]

Man, what an ugly scenario our overlords have set us up for.

This Day in History: September 4

At Blue Savannah, South Carolina, Francis Marion led British Loyalists into an ambush and defeated them. [More]