Monday, October 08, 2012

Detroit shows futility of relying on police for protection

Yet that’s been an official attitude exhibited by Detroit officials, from Mayor Bing’s participation in Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition, to Chief Godbee’s efforts on behalf of the globalist International Association of Chiefs of Police and his domestic stumping for a semi-auto ban, to his predecessor, Warren Evans, notorious for his own sexual scandal as well as widespread gross mismanagement and abuse, stepping down after his officers gunned down a seven-year-old girl. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at some control-challenged people who would presume to control those of us who don't share their moral impairments.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

I just got off the phone with Mike.  He's got vertigo and nausea to the point that he can't walk, and it sounded like a struggle for him just to have a brief phone conversation, and like our friend is feeling pretty miserable. He's going to the doctor tomorrow. Pending any sudden re-invigoration, I would not expect any posts today on Sipsey Street Irregulars.

I'd hold off on posting comments there and suggest you do the same---the last thing he'll need to face is a barrage of them to moderate when he makes his way back to the computer.  But I'll bet it would do him good to get some "Get Well" cards:
P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126.

We're the Only Ones Mishandling Enough

Retired Lorain police Officer Ralph Gonzalez was being investigated for mishandling his department-issued firearms, two of which police believe are now on the black market, when he turned in his retirement paperwork Sept. 28. [More]
It sounds to me like someone is mishandling the dictionary.

[Via johnnyreb™]

Somos Los Unicos

Mexican troops take 48 cops for questioning [More
See, the problem there is American gun laws...

[Via Beulah G]

Think Like an E-gyp-tian

Obama: “We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people” [More]
All the ops in the embassy go

All About the Benjamin

TSA Agent Accused Of Stealing $100 From Passenger’s Wallet [More]
And remember:
You can't professionalize unless you federalize.
It's a matter of life and death!

Welcome to the Party, Pal!

Before Fast & Furious, Florida had Operation Castaway [More]
You don't say!

"Authorized Journalists." Is it any wonder I love them so? 

[Via Herschel Smith]

Warning Signs

Well  why the hell not?  [Read]

If this and this will do it...

There are so many conclusions one could draw from this...

We're the Only Ones Warning Enough

No police no peace? [More]
Really?  Is that a threat?  At least the headline is true.

They're being underpaid for this?

Damn. I Guess Spoons ARE Responsible...

Food almost killed me. [More
Nothing like having a seasoned grasp of cause and effect...

Racists for Obama

Looks like Sniff Dogg is up to his old tricks. [Read]

And not just racists for Obama, "prohibited person" racists for Obama!

Erin Go Blah

"Although the complaint does not specify the statutes allegedly violated, it sufficiently alleges facts supporting a finding that defendants knowingly violated federal gun laws," Justice Erin Peradotto wrote for the court. [More]
In other words, screw the law and sue gun manufacturers for criminal misuse of their product, because we've got an agenda to uphold!

Interesting, when you start looking into the background of these misfit cheerleaders:
Erin didn’t get this appointment because she was the most qualified jurist or lawyer in the area, she got it because she had proven that she was a reliable and trusted lackey for the political hacks in Albany. 
 Looks like that hasn't changed.

And as for the RINO who appointed her, at least he left us with one useful and wholly unintended consequence that we ought to be throwing back in their faces every time some opportunist and/or idiot proposes crap like this:
Trouble is, the Pataki program NEVER worked. Despite the hundreds of thousands of spent shells submitted, not one criminal was ever captured using the extensive and costly-to-maintain database, state officials concede.
Yes, Gomer, you had something to say...?

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Crippled Inside Enough

Minnesota Police Facing Criminal Charges For Beating Man In Wheelchair In Detox Room [More]
Take it away, John...

[Via Roger J]

Welcome to the WoGRoll...

...Max Velocity Tactical. [More]

I've mentioned some of his work before, and this looks like an interesting addition.

We're the Only Ones Special Enough

And they'll receive eight hours of training to prove it! [Read]

[Via Jeffersonian]

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise

An unarmed Army National Guardsman was pulled over on a Queens highway and shot to death by an NYPD officer from an elite unit today — and the DA now is probing the incident that the victim’s friend is calling a case of police “road rage.” [More]
"Elite" or "elitist"?

This Day in History: October 8

The Surry County Wright brothers lost no time in taking advantage of their situation and they attacked Richmond once again. Capt. John Crouse was wounded as he stood guard, while the few Patriot militiamen in the area fled into the countryside. [More]