Friday, October 19, 2012

CNN ‘imprecise’ and worse in criticism of Romney Fast and Furious response

The reason such obviously agenda-driven apologia is particularly inexcusable in this story, aside from being generally indecent on a human level and professionally a violation of basic canons of journalism, is that breaking the Fast and Furious story into the “mainstream media” could have been CNN’s scoop, and they blew it through arrogance. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes it's more satisfying to go through the damned gatekeepers instead of around them.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. The chronic hiccup medications they've given him, along with other drugs in his system, caused a bad drop in blood pressure, so they're still trying to figure out the right mix. There's nothing really new to report--he's having trouble getting internet connectivity in the hospital.

He got his first "Get Well" card today at the hospital and that pleased him, and I sent him some magazines as a respite from basic cable hell. He's flailing along, battered but unbowed and determined to continue--that he still finds humor is a real testament--I'm not sure I wouldn't be wallowing in self-pity bearing his cross. This is where character and strength really show, and I'm proud this man considers we are friends and, in his words paraphrasing this great poem, "war correspondents where ignorant armies clash by night."

The Finest Election Money Can Buy

Am I ever glad John McCain helped pass "bipartisan campaign finance reform"! What a difference that has made! [Read]

A Colorful Solution

So here’s an idea: Cities worried about open weapons should require loaded gun-carriers to use holsters the public can clearly see. I’m thinking holsters dyed in blaze orange or fluorescent yellow. [More]
I guess Dave Helling here never learned the key lesson from Tropic Thunder.

Why Didn't You Say So in the First Place?

Black Women Murdered by Men Most Often Die by Gunfire, Usually by Someone They Know [More]
Now that you've explained it that way, I finally see why the common sense solution is to disarm me.

The Vichy Viewpoint

Kalashnikovs, the Soviet-designed rifles that became the basic killing tool of armies and militants around the globe, are making a new conquest: the United States. [More
From AFP? Nice to see the socialist French weigh in.

Don't you people have someone to surrender to?  Yeah, I know, that's not fair to all the French, but for "Les Journalistes Autorisés," it's probably a pretty safe bet.

Actually, aside from the headline and hysterical lede, it's not that bad an article--if you look hard enough, you'll even find they're not writing about full-autos.

And There Was War in Heaven

“If you think about it, the president, as I remember, said he wants more conversation. Well, we’ve been saying this for quite a while now. We don’t need more talk. [More]

And Dan Gross worked so hard on creating that "We need to have a national conversation on guns" slogan...

Easy Child Access to Gun Results in Home Shooting

The antis, no doubt, wish things had worked out differently.  Especially Colin.  [Read]

[Via W3]

The Most Second-Amendment Friendly State?

Considering what, Ray Nagin and Eddie Compass pulled off a few years back, that's pretty remarkable. [Read

You Just Put Your Lips Together and Blow

And then get ready for them to try and destroy you. [Read]

The real story would be if we could find a fed agency that's not rotten with waste, abuse, corruption and fraud.

"Mismanagement of weapons" is such a forgiving euphemism, don't you think?

[Via Jess]

This Day in History: October 19

The Battle of Klock's Field, also called the Battle of Failing's Orchard; and occasionally as the Battle of Nellis Flatts, was an encounter between Albany County, New York militia and a British-supported expedition of Indians and Loyalists led by Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Johnson and Captain Joseph Brant. [More]