Thursday, October 25, 2012

We're the Only Ones Anthropophagic Enough

Gilberto Valle, alleged NYPD "cannibal cop," plotted to kidnap, cook women, authorities say [More]
And what better place to get away with it than "Furious Mike Paradise," where his prime concerns would be if he sauteed them in trans fat-laden oil, used too much salt and washed it all down with a Big Gulp soda...?

[Via Kevin Starrett]

We're the Only Ones Trafficking Enough

Phoenix-area officers arrest three of their own suspected in assisting major crime ring [More]
And they're looking into seven more "community heroes...

Parables of Modern Life

More great stuff from Matthew Bracken...really. [Read]

Mr. Popular

“There are so many people in Washington who come and talk to us about the Constitution and the rights that they want kept sacred and that not do anything about them. (sic) That we not change them. That we not amend them,” said Hinojosa. “And I can tell you that — I’m drawing a blank on the Second Amendment, but I think it’s the weapons, isn’t it? The NRA?”

“And especially those machine guns. Why in the hell do we have to have machine guns? And don’t touch that, because NRA will come and put you on the black list,” Hinojosa said. “Well, I didn’t go up there to be Mr. Popular. I went up there to do the right thing. To help our community. To protect them.” [More]
What an utter dolt.

That he gets elected in his district is tyranny of the majority in action.

In a sane world, this would be actionable malpractice for gross incompetence.

[via bondmen]


Mike is being released from the hospital within the hour and will be back posting this afternoon.

No Doubt So They Could Catch the Big Fish

Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists? [More] 
Maybe if we required all FFLs to do multiple long gun reporting...

[Via William T]

The Devil and Daniel Webster

"When you deny high-risk people access to guns, the evidence shows that saves lives," said Daniel W. Webster, director of Hopkins' Center for Gun Policy and Research and the report's lead author. "And when you regulate all gun sales, fewer guns get diverted to criminals." [More
Right Dan. Let's all be like Maryland, which "is among a small number of states that already restrict or prohibit gun ownership among the high-risk groups targeted in the report."

Let's go after folks who haven't been adjudicated prohibited in a control freak orgy.

Let's criminalize these "high risks"--and deny access to little scofflaws like this one. Or how about military veterans who are not yet 21?

Did you know that, according to some with a vested interest in defining things, "if you have answered YES to 'Do you drink alone?' there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic"? So those of you who are single and maybe want to watch the game and have some beer, or enjoy some single malt with a cigar on your own, or have some wine--you'd better not do it alone.

It sounds like if anyone needs to be a prohibited person, it would be the paranoid control fetishist projecting his sickness on everybody else.

ATF whistleblower Cefalu wins stay on termination

“[T]he agency’s removal of Mr. Cefalu on these grounds constituted a violation of his First Amendment right to free speech and, thus, the merit system principle,” the OSC alleged. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes someone who's just begun to fight.

This Day in History: October 25

The government under the new Commonwealth of Massachusetts began on October 25, 1780. [More]