Bracken Broadcasting

Tonight on Kim Wade-No Excuses on 103.9 FM WYAB at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meaning within an hour. They'll be discussing "When the Music Stops."  I'm told those of us not in the Jackson, MS area can listen via live streaming here.

The Hofmann Menace

CSGV is not only trying to get Kurt booted from Examiner, their Facebook fanboys (it sounds like a steam room in there) are reporting him to the FBI. [More]

Former NRA director challenges reliability of candidate grades

What does his recent compilation of data over the last few years tell us? Per Howard, “It tells you that the NRA is protecting anti-gun incumbents, and advancing anti-gun challengers, under cover of phony grades and lies. [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature doesn't mean to start a fight, but it probably will. People need to know this stuff.

Ga. church shooting shows attacker aided by law disarming victims

Since when is it a legitimate and constitutional function of government for legislators to impose their religious convictions on others under force of law, and how is that different from Taliban-imposed Sharia? That's the real issue, and thus one so-called "progressives" refuse to even acknowledge, let alone object to if they are to be consistent with that church/state "wall of separation" they rush to erect every time it suits their agenda. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a crazy evil law victimizing the good and the sane.

It is a Lot Like Stockholm Syndrome.

Kenn Blanchard says what needs to be said. Very well done. [More]

That's a Simple Case, Alright

The guy ignored a restraining order and then a "No Guns" sign, but if a background check had been required, why we'd all be drinkin' that free Bubble Up and eatin' that rainbow stew. [More]

"And, make no mistake," he writes, "this is a conversation the American public wants to have."

Not the ones with the real money, Dan, the ones pushing you to the side, the ones taking over from you...

Missed Out on Any GRE Posts?

Check out Constitution Watch, which has been aggregating links to my stuff along with Workman's and Kurt's. [More]

Shooting Destination Night

Pistol Training at MGM Junior Training Camp, tonight on American Trigger Sports Network...[More]

2A and the Elections

Dave Kopel gives his take based on NRA grades. [Read]

I'm working on a piece now I hope to have posted later today with a somewhat different one.

This Day in History: October 26

The Executive of this State think it expedient, under our present circumstances, that the prisoners of war under the Convention of Saratoga, be removed from their present situation. [More]