Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Victorious Obama rockets back onto ‘gun control’ radar with UN arms treaty

More likely this is an in-your-face to “the gun lobby,” and a bellwether for things to come—all those things anti-gun opinion shapers ridiculed as paranoia back when that served the agenda. Look for them now to ignore past protestations and focus on whatever “gun control” proposals the administration puts forward, be they bills the president will want Congress to advance or, barring that, whatever he thinks he can get away with by executive order or ATF ruling. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that was quick. This isn't even the column I wanted to write today, but it kind of shoved its way to the front of the pile.

Let's Make a Deal

I have to say, Republican "leadership" like this deserves every loss it can be made to suffer. [Read]

John [he puts the "eh" in] Boner has been the despicable and useless poltroon who ran interference for the administration on Gunwalker, too.  The only explanation that makes sense, aside from being in the tank from the beginning, is Mike's theory about photos with Dolly the Love Ewe.

I got those Yellowstain blues...

UPDATE: "Out of context"? So what context should we take this in?

Pistol Training with Phil Strader & Max Michel at MGM Junior Training Camp

THIS WEEK, beginning November 7th, on ATSN TV:
Phil Strader and Max Michel teach students, including ATSN Field Correspondent, Molly Smith, at the MGM Junior Shooters Camp at Parma Rod & Gun Club in Parma, Idaho.

Phil Strader is a  former U.S. Capitol Police firearms instructor and three-time Steel Challenge champion and Max Michel is three-time World Speed Shooting Champion and six-time USPSA National Championships among nearly 100 other major championship wins.

Learn what the juniors are practicing to improve pistol shooting speed and accuracy and try it yourself!

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

A Dead Girl or a Live Boy

I don't think even Edwin Edwards, for all his corruption and reliance on a degraded supporters, ever envisioned how much the right constituency would let someone get away with, as evidenced by this and this.

We're the Only Ones Mystified Enough

“At this point, it’s unclear what the motive was. We’re looking at a variety of possibilities. One of them is an obvious robbery. We’re also looking at the background of the victim, trying to see if there are any disputes that might have resulted in this,” said Anthony Guglielmi, Baltimore City Police spokesperson. [More]
Yeah, gee, whatever could have motivated this? If only there were some clue...

And any chance Jesse or Al will be interested in helping to get some justice and peace...?

When I Was a Child...

This dislike of firearms continued into my adulthood...[More]
As far as I can tell, you've never reached it. But thanks for illustrating that the compulsion to ban guns and control others really does spring from childish fears, ignorance, personal incompetence and self-loathing.

We're the Only Ones PO'd Enough

"I said really, he is 3 years old, and he said it doesn't matter," said Dillan's grandmother, Jennifer Warden. "[He said] It is public urination. I said we are on our property and he said it's in public view."[More]
As is typical more often than not, we know the name of the mom and the grandmother, and we even know the name of the three-year-old, but the the name of the badged pissant spraying all over those he has been given power over is somehow a state secret the Authorized Urinalists dare not divulge. At least it looks like the mayor and chief ended up reversing things as far as the ticket goes--but here's the thing: Not only is their unfixed dog out there throwing his authoritah around and bullying the people he's supposed to be serving, his "courtesy" of writing a $2,500 fine we learn about in the first link turns out to be utterly without merit under state law.

Protection of public employees being what it is these days, things are probably set up so they can't fire Barney Fife outright, but I'd say the public has a right to know who this menace to society is, and see what other examples of abuse they can pin on him--surely this can't be the first time he's whizzed on a citizen. At the least, people ought to be able to simulate taking a leak every time he passes by, and then point and laugh at the silly sumbich.

[Via Jeffersonian]

This Day in History: November 7

On November 7, 1780 General Orders noted: “The fire engine being put in good repairs the Garrison Q’r M’r [Quarter Master] will see that it is properly executed and a proper number of men from the artificers assigned to work it.” [More]