Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Military personnel gun rights surface in defense appropriations amendment debate

While some, like CNN founder Ted Turner, see an increase in military suicides as “good” because, as he told Piers Morgan (naturally), that will somehow pave the way for a more enlightened United Nations world policeman, people who are actually sane can debate on the effects of removing firearms from people committed to killing themselves, and the danger for abuse if government is allowed to essentially, by documenting such matters in its records, compile a list of active duty firearms owners, and in apparent contravention of funding proscriptions against such a database established by current law. That’s a discussion that needs to happen in the light, not behind closed doors. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes some people have a rather peculiar way of thanking other people for their service.

Can I Be an Honorary Terrorist?

I don't hunt, but I'd still like to get on the watchlist. [Read and laugh]

It's a Wonderful Life

Every time you buy a gun, a CSGV fly gets its wings pulled off. [Read]

How Do You Say "Har!" with a Texas Accent?

From American Trigger Sports Network:
Pirates of Texas Carbine Championship Texas Carbine, Corpus Christi, Texas Host James B. Towle and the Trigger Sports TV crew attend the Pirates of Texas Carbine Championship at Texas Carbine, the new shooting club in Corpus Christi. Watch as fast and challenging stages and great weather made for an unmatched event! 
Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

Manly Men

The Captain has a confession to make. [Read]

I once got in touch with my feminine side. I told her to get me a beer.

Who Has the Final Say on Guns in Schools?

The final say?  Those who are going to bring them there do. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Helping with Gun Violence Enough

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson announced Wednesday the city will hire 25 police officers within the next 6 months. The hope is that the additional manpower will help with the city's gun violence problem. [More
Yeah, especially with 13 of Cleveburg's finest on suspension for pumping out 137 rounds at unarmed suspects, they're going to need all the help with that they can get.

Hey, at least we're not Detroit.

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town. [Read]

That's funny. We know the name of the dog, of the owner, of the eyewitness... somehow or other, the "Authorized Journalist" failed to include the names of the brave public servants out there risking all to prote... uh...just what the hell is it they are doing out there...?

A Haslam Exclusive

That's a pretty neat trick, being able to exclude and "compromise" others from the free exercise and enjoyment of their rights. [Read]

If he gets his way, he -- and those who go along with him -- will own the results.

Thank goodness no one has excluded or compromised on Bill!

They're Serious

Not just gun control, but bridge control and window control and rope control and plastic bag control... [Read]

These hive insect fools are actually serious!

I thought it might be a joke at first, but they're serious.

Just Imagine!

Yeah, and imagine what he could have done had he obtained box cutters, or fuel oil and fertilizer, or -- and this is really scary -- gasoline! [Read

Oh no! We can't trust anybody!

What the @#%*s in the water cooler there at the Courant?

Imaginary Friends

That's a cardinal sin in "Authorized Journalism," making sources up. [Read]

Dammit, these people are being paid to make up facts.

[Via Parrothead Jeff]

The Tower of Babel

Reaching to the heavens... [Read and observe]

Good thing none of it is real!

[Via bondmen]

This Day in History: December 5

“At La Petit Fort, near this site, a battle was fought on December 5, 1780 between American forces under command of Lt. Thomas Brady and Jean Baptiste Hamelin and British forces under command of Dahreau de Quindre” [More]