Thursday, December 06, 2012

Unnoticed pieces in Reese case form puzzling picture

“What triggered the decision for the Columbus smuggling crew to send at least some of their straw purchasers all the way to the small Chaparral store instead of one of the largest gun stores in the state right up the road?” the article asked.

Particularly if the Reese family had truly been involved in doing what the government accused them of doing …? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report tries to tie together some loose and confusing threads, and all it ends up with are reasonable doubts...hey...wait...

Sheer Lunacy

House follows Senate, votes to strike word ‘lunatic’ from federal law [More]

[Via Mack H]

Unconditional Surrender

All that's left is Weepy begging for mercy... [Read]

EXCLUSIVE: Give Them What They Want?

Give attackers what they want? What if, after you bare your throat and cede all decision-making to remorseless reptiles, you find out what they want is you? [More]
"Give Them What They Want?" is my latest "Rights Watch" column for GUNS Magazine.

More Proof that Obama's Not "Anti-Gun"

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands [More]
See? First National Parks, then Amtrak, then "Gunwalker" and now this!

[Via Jess]

Gray Lady Down

“There is no getting around the hard news that the size of the newsroom staff must be reduced,” Ms. Abramson said in the letter. [More]
Gosh. If this keeps up, it could really put a dent in the supply of Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist anti-gun subversion...

Wild Fire Burns Twice

If you read nothing else today, take ten minutes and read this account by Elias Alias of Oath Keepers of an arrest and courtroom appearance in Montana.  Fascinating stuff. [Read]

It ain't over by a long shot, and as you'll see, the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist "Authorized Journalists" are coming down squarely in favor of distorting things against the individual and for the benefit of the state, so it's important that as many people as possible be exposed to the truth, lest injustice be allowed to succeed in darkness.

We're the Only Ones Multi-Lingual Enough

A black man fired at the end of his 18-month probationary period as a Pennsylvania state trooper says he was wrongly let go for false claims that he didn’t properly write reports, and sometimes used “Ebonics” in doing so. [More]
You didn't want to work there anyway, my homie.

There's a place that appreciates your unique talents.

[Via William T]

GRE Article Watch

A "one stop shopping" site that links you to all recent Gun Rights Examiner articles... [Read

These links were posted over at Constitution Watch over the past few months, which will soon be returning to its original commentary purpose.

I'll put out reminders about this site from time to time, and have created a click-through in the left sidebar you can check whenever you like.

"In Other Recent Crime..."

Jeez, nice characterization, "Authorized Journalist" Amye Wright. [Read]

I was going to focus on the shooting noise complaint, but you just stole the spotlight.

[Via Carl S]

We're the Only Ones Not Very Frisky Enough

"Is it fair to say something was missed?" we asked Harris County Pct. 3 Constable Ken Jones. [More]
That's a nice way of putting it.


More like 51/50, if you really believe the most important consideration is the plumbing. [Read]

Spewing My BS

I received an insulting comment on my Piers Morgan column:

Shall we see if Mr. McKee's "critique" that I am lying about this has merit?

The transcript is here, and also includes, just so we know that no mistakes have been made taking statements out of context:
"Talking Points" has long felt that criminals who use handguns should be punished more harshly than they are now. In fact, all gun crimes in America should be federalized and that includes illegal possession.
You can watch and listen for yourself -- and give special attention to what he says at around 1:28 and 1:43 in:

I hope that clarifies where the BS and lies are spewing from.