Monday, December 10, 2012

Anti-gun politician demands renewing ban on non-existent gun

Rep. Israel's agenda is obviously not to keep someone from slipping through airport security... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a headline-grabbing opportunist trying to slip something past what the Founders deemed necessary security, armed Americans.

The Chicago Way

That favor allowed Trotter to get a city permit to carry a concealed handgun, with some restrictions ... Allpoints Security has been actively supporting local political candidates with close to $50,000 in contributions over the past decade. Trotter collected $500 of that money. The firm also has a contract to provide security at city libraries.  It is worth a reported $735,000 dollars. It expires next year. [More]
And we would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for that idiot Trotter.

Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.

Still, just for yucks, read  about the professional standards and ethics.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Providing a Window of Opportunity Enough

Burglary Suspect Arrested, Escapes In Police Car [More
So long, suckers!

[Via William T]

Sporting Purposes

I was thinking about writing this up, but Kurt beat me to it in his ongoing mission to induce CSGV enuresis. [Read]

Vanderboegh also has some pithy observations (and a tangentially relevant Disney cartoon), as does The Captain's Journal.

Armed American Radio Recap

Last night's program is now posted on the AAR website. Host Mark Walters' guests included sports photographer Barry Markowitz and George "Mad Ogre" Hill, along with yours truly. Discussion included a recap of the police holiday tips fiasco, gun laws in Hawaii (with some potential breaking legal news), the Costas flap and lots more.
Listen at your leisure.

Now That's Just Beautiful

It's great when knowing your rights works. [Watch]

It sure beats when it doesn't.

I went to the original YouTube site and saw this was originally posted in May. I don't recall if I commented here at that time or not and don't have time to check--but even so, it's a lesson well worth revisiting.

[Via Thaddeus Fendon]

Invictus, Commie-Style

We are the masters of your fate:
We are the captains of your soul.[Read

And sorry to bother you twice in one day, Gomer, but we need you again.

[Via Jess]

Privileged Information

The word "privilege" appears nowhere in the text of this opinion piece.  [Read]

So why is it included in the title?

WVU Tools

That's equivalent to ordering him not to use a university-issued hammer to drive nails.  And these people call themselves "educators." [Read]

Just Say "No"

To "home rule"... [Read]

That is, unless it's something they want.

Right, like we're going to abide by a national New Jersey benchmark.  They might as well write an editorial titled "Stop Plate Tectonics."

Vested Interests

What was that reason an armed response against the Aurora maniac would have been useless again...? [Read]

[Via Brian W]

Home Improvement

Sounds like their time would be better spent getting their own damn house in order instead of worrying about what's in ours. [Read]

[Via Mama Liberty]

"Assaulted" Update

Big push to wrap filming [Read
As you can see, the money was needed and is being well spent.

Burn, Baby, Burn

Let it burn. [Read]
Someone who knows how ought to do a YouTube parody.

I'm reminded of the story of the farmer and the leopard.

[Via Scott J]

Obama Silent

Why shouldn't he be? [Read]

The guy's only a "former" Marine, and we know how this administration feels about both active duty service members and veterans with guns.

Besides, ain't the Big O itching to get to Hawaii and enjoy the spoils of victory (while he whines that Republicans are spoiling it for him because mean ol' John Boehner isn't sucking fast enough)? Good Lord, he actually has invited us to "crank up [our] heaters, play some Hawaiian music, and enjoy online 'The 2012 Obama Hawaii Vacation'."

At least he had time to bow to another America-hater.

[Via Brian W]

A Recent Drift Towards Vitriol

We are concerned about a recent drift towards vitriol in the RSN Reader comments section. There is a fine line between moderation and censorship. No one likes a harsh or confrontational forum atmosphere. At the same time everyone wants to be able to express themselves freely. We'll start by encouraging good judgment. If that doesn't work we'll have to ramp up the moderation. [More]
So we can't call you dumbasses for ignorantly, and without any vetting, publishing a satire hoax that happened to fit your agenda?

Not that it matters--the domestic enemies over at the Daily Kos will pick it up and run with it regardless.

Alinsky RULE 5, you see... 

Demanding an Apology

I went ahead and signed it because people I support asked me to.  [Read]

I've been told MAIG has a petition on this working in the opposite direction that's outperforming this effort. I wouldn't take that as a sign of anything more than most gun owners I know don't give a #@!* what Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock believe other than to expose them for the ignorant media bigots that they are, don't see an apology happening after hearing their post-outrage commentary, and wouldn't believe the sincerity of one were it to be offered, because it would truly take a total reversal and conversion on their parts, which ain't gonna happen.


Police departments explore gun confiscation for profit [More
And on the ever-present other hand:

Crouch said he is concerned that selling low-quality, cheap weapons to gun dealers makes them accessible to criminals. “Citizens who are looking for a gun for self-defense or recreational use would not be interested in these guns,” he said. “That only leaves someone that would likely use it for something of illegitimate means.” 
Or maybe somebody's who's poor and doesn't have the benefit of a tax plunder-funded gun of their own?

A Prohibited Person?

While it would be tempting to view this as karma, the greater danger it poses is what we ought to focus on.  Besides, how many times have we seen "interfering with law enforcement" and "resisting arrest" used to justify all kinds of thuggish revenge?  [Read]

There is an assertion from a New Jersey "Only One" here that merits future exploitatoin:
In general, people who inherit weapons and are unfamiliar with their use and value but want to sell them should contact a licensed gun dealer, who could arrange their transport and sale, he said.

"It’s a safety issue," said Jones...
If that's the case, why do antis continually host those stupid "buy backs" where they encourage people who don't know the first thing about firearms to handle and transport them?

"Gun Hypocrisy"

Or, just give up, bite the bullet and shoot yourselves. Make us gun control enthusiasts happy. [More]
Alrighty then. That's some "libertarian."

When the Balloon Goes Up

There's a new click-through graphic over in the left sidebar for, run by Ron Larimer, who's been blogging about "training, tactics and gear used by civilians to prepare for the likely challenges we will all face" since October 2011, and who "decided to expand the mission of WTBGU! to include providing the best gear available for training, competition and preparing to survive the 1st 72 hours after a critical incident" this past August.

Go ahead and tour the site, spend some time looking at what he offers, and importantly, how he thinks. If you like what you see and are in the market for what he's got, you might as well get it from someone you think merits your business.

By way of full disclosure, I've decided to give becoming an affiliate a try, meaning I'll get a modest referral commission to help fill feral sons Uday's and Qusay's gruel bowls on orders originating from WoG.  They're holding their bellies and eying a trembling Humphrie the Wonder Pig as we speak.

This Day in History: December 10

Your Excellency will, I presume, have received before this reaches you, an Act of Congress of the 4th of last Month, calling on the several States, for specific Quantities of fish and Salt Provision - Flour, Salt, and Rum for the Army, and directing all the above articles, except the fresh meat, to be collected and deposited at such places in each of the States, as should be judged most convenient by me. This communication I should have done myself the honor of making somewhat earlier, had not the greater part of my time, since the receipt of the Act, been taken up in arranging & visiting the Hospitals, and Winter Cantonments of the Army. [More]