Friday, January 14, 2011

We're the Only Ones Wheeking* Enough

Bradford cannabis raid finds guinea pig heater [More]
Well, you know what they say: Pigs is pigs.  And rules is rules.

That's Humphrie, one of our trained carni-pigs, first being hand-fed raw flesh by elder feral son Uday, and now stalking her own prey in the wild...


[Via lots of you]


Defender said...

Britain must not have too much of a budget crisis if they can do helicopter thermal sweeps for grow houses. Maybe if they want fewer riots, they should leave people the hell alone, save money and not double college tuition and stuff.
And couint themselves fortunate that those college students don't realize that even lower-cost college doesn't mean there'll be a job at the end of the rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Of course proper subservient Ms. Hardcastle would not criticize the clowns in state costume or the ridiculous dragnet heat search conducted from the air.

MamaLiberty said...

Growing pot I can understand. Who in the world wants more than one Guinea pig?

Oh well... each to his/her own.

Defender said...

Because tribbles aren't real. Right, David?

"Because they're soft and they make a pleasant sound."
"So would an ermine violin, Doctor, but I see no advantage in having one."
McCoy vs. Spock, "The Trouble With Tribbles"

Been nipped by a GP. I wouldn't want one mad at me in close quarters