We have the firepower but no organization. Will some form of local organization happen spontaneously if things go south (and I'm not convinced this legislation will pass discussion phase)? One person can't take on a swat team, even from 500 yards away with a more powerful caliber. But a couple hundred men (for an average size county) who know how to use rifles could really make the high n tights question if they're getting paid enough for this crap....
We have the firepower but no organization. Will some form of local organization happen spontaneously if things go south (and I'm not convinced this legislation will pass discussion phase)? One person can't take on a swat team, even from 500 yards away with a more powerful caliber. But a couple hundred men (for an average size county) who know how to use rifles could really make the high n tights question if they're getting paid enough for this crap....