Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CSGV Adds Anti-White Racism to Misogyny

Here's an ongoing Twitter dialog with CSGV--the set up is, they're defending "training" that tells women to vomit urinate and tell attackers they're menstruating, and putting down anyone who suggests they ought to have other choices. 

Get under their skin, which isn't hard, and their self-loathing inner racists quickly emerge.


  1. Wow. You sure made that look easy. Good for you David.

  2. Stop the Violence--but only ineffectively.

  3. Good job drawing them out of the gutter, muck and slime. They act so holier than thou all the time yet there exist no bigger hypocrites in the entire wide world than these poor excuses for a well balanced human being. Mental basket cases ensconced in a world detached from reality - yet risen to positions of power in our institutions and high government offices; they are the enemy within and we have met them, slept with them, ate with them and now we must reject them, shun them and cast them out of our country if they will not correct the error of their ways, and they won't because they can't.

  4. Real women know better.

    But you can't reason with such people, nor can you shame them into any rational thought.

    Let these dead bury their own dead.

  5. I am a woman. Thank you, David, for speaking what I was thinking. (I don't Twit.)

    Reading that trash and belittlement of women made me want to vomit, all right.

  6. Pearls Before Swine, Dave, but good on ya for tryin'

    Yank lll

  7. I loved the characterization of them as "hive insects"!

  8. It's cute (and irritating) how they are clinging to their racist, antiquated notion of gun owners being nothing more than old white redneck males.

    Arguably the reason why you saw that stereotype true in the distant past was because the laws restricting 2nd amendment rights were designed to deny minorities the right to bear arms!

    I'm seeing more and more women, people of various ethnicity and background pursuing their 2nd amendment right. Was eagerly suggested a Sig sauer by a gay cuban friend of mine in Floridia. Have a transgendered friend of mine in Ontario Canada really interested in taking up shooting. Leave the range yesterday and I see three young ladies heading right on in. Was at another range weeks prior and I saw a wide array of peoples waiting in line. My local gun shop's staff that I know of are two asian gun nuts (one female), one african american gun nut, three white male gun nuts! Was just reading an article a few weeks back about how gun ownership denies the stereotypes, noting New Mexico's hispanic families long practicing gun ownership from a more rural, ranch-based lifestyle and more suburban colorado being more averse to firearms.

    Now when I look at the gun grabbers? Rich, affluent and privileged, the whole damn lot of them. Have as much claims to diversity and 'representing the american people' as a bottle of evaan water has to representing the ocean.

    It just benefits their propaganda to try and present this as "oh those bored, tired white men in the south that cling to their guns and religion", and then paradoxically and patronizingly to try and trick said gun owners by going on and on about how they respect hunters and skeet/trap shooters.

    If Obama, Quomo and the like hunted as much as their hot air claims, we'd have no more wild life left!

  9. That was awesome the way David called the gun control nazis on the carpet!


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