Monday, February 04, 2013

Doctors Insist on Right to Give Auto Transmission Repair Tips

As far as training and certification go, it makes as much sense as counseling on "gun safety." [Read]

Note none of the self-appointed "experts" are willing to tell us where they got their knowledge from, or guarantee that it is qualified advice.

And here's a clue for Dr. Wollschlager on why some of us might not be comfortable with doctors getting any information on patients and guns, especially since, as Rep. Fleming notes, "There are existing laws which ensure that doctors alert law enforcement to criminal activities that they become aware of in the course of their practice." Aside from the fact that the antis are desperately trying to find ways to cast a blanket dragnet without due process that could place a physician in the position of choosing between patient confidentiality or keeping his license to practice, the good doctor might want to ask Dad...

This gets me wondering though...if, by going to a doctor I could tell him things he would be required to report to the "authorities," that is, incriminating myself to a de facto law enforcement agent, shouldn't part of the informed consent process require him to notify me that anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law?Probably not, since I wouldn't be under arrest, but it does make me wonder where you draw the line between "Don't talk to the police" and "Don't talk to doctors."

1 comment:

  1. You pretty much have to talk to your doctors or not bother going...

    You can say, "That's none of your business..." to irrelevant or intrusive questions, or you might try this:

    ASK the questions instead.

    First, at home, make a list of your medical problems and questions you have about them. Also make a list of the medications you take and any questions you have. List known side effects or problems you've had taking the stuff.

    If you are seeing a new doctor, it is important that you have a detailed medical history to hand him, preferably written by yourself. Then, instead of answering questions, you just tell him to "read it first."

    Then, after the examination, if he wants you to take new pills or schedule a procedure, test or whatever... insist that he/she tell you exactly why they think it is necessary and give you an honest evaluation of the risk/benefit. If they can't, or won't... if they give you the "doctor knows best" BS... walk out. You don't need to buy a pig in poke that way.

    Most people in this country are seriously over medicated and see far too many doctors. Learn to take charge of your own life. The doctor works for YOU. If not, then make it so.


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