Thursday, February 28, 2013

Letters to Obama

Last week, we talked about Obama soliciting "gun violence" stories and I urged readers to instead send stories of violence prevented with guns, or alternately, "gun violence" perpetrated by the "Only Ones" the citizen disarmament control freaks think should have guns.

Twitter liberty colleague Brenda Gale stepped up to the plate and knocked the ball out of the park. Here's what she sent in and is allowing me to share with you:
Ten years ago I was able to defend myself, and my home against 2 masked, male intruders with a legal firearm. Working alone, very late into the night on a room remodel project-I did not hear the assailants entry, nor their approach. There was no time to dial 911, nor fumble about for a whistle or anything else you folks like to suggest. Because, I was properly INSTRUCTED and CARRYING in my own home, I was able to merely brandished & threaten to avert a potentially deadly situation.

Now, is THIS the point where you will begin to call me a "gun nut"?..and why would you do that?...Because I had taken extra care, at some point in my life preparing for a situation just like this? Because at some point I took responsibility for MYSELF and sought instruction and a weapon to protect that life?? Or Am I a "gun nut" because in this proactive pursuit of lawful and proper self defense, I became enamored of the techniques and the weapons themselves? A natural progression, wouldn't you say? Certainly you can relate, a skeet shooter such as yourself?

In most cases, preparing ahead is commended and most desired. Yet what I see with this Administration, is quite the opposite. Seeking to restrict even further my self defense options-punishing me for the crimes of idiots who don't know the LAW much less follow it.

And that's what I call NUTS.
I'd go a step further and call it evil, even at the risk of CSGV dismissing me because of my race.


  1. Yes, it is excellent. But did this Obama-run site actually print it?

  2. We should publish great stories like this in every newspaper of the nation. Obummer will never set eyes on this. Wouldnt matter if he did.

  3. You won't see many stories like this in the mainstream media. The women was not raped or otherwise hurt and the criminals were not shot or caught so the media will not care.

    If we share them with our friends and our friends share them too, the word will get out.



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