Friday, February 22, 2013

Taken Offline

From Law Enforcement Targets, Inc:

Having looked through their site before they pulled them, I couldn't help but notice, if the excuse was to train based on likely scenarios, how come there are so few who aren't white, and how come so many of the "offensive" targets look for all the world like stereotypical Tea Partiers? Is it because if they made their targets reflect encounter percentages, particularly the ones in the "Urban Street Violence" category, the Jackson/Sharpton machine would shut them down or extort them dry?

So I don't buy it's for realistic training. Sorry, just based on likely encounters one needs to train for, I see an agenda here. The only deviation from a theme is they do have some wearing PLA head scarfs --I'm not aware of any shootouts on domestic soil where that has been the case.

Two other things about this excuse, and they come from Bear emailing the LET spokesflack:
You do not say that you have suspended sales of the targets. Does this mean you still stock and sell the psychopathically offensive targets _offline_? If so, to whom?
I've have read your apology for the full-blown insane decision to market a product line specifically designed to desensitize officers to shooting children, pregnant women, and the elderly. You stated, "This product line was originally requested and designed by the law enforcement community". Not by me. Nor would I _ever_ have countenanced such stupidity. So please tell me: SPECIFICALLY WHO IN "THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY" requested and designed that product line? 
 I would really like to know that last part. I wonder how we could find out...


  1. The LET marketing team tried to excuse the "No More Hesitation" targets with this claim:

    " officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with such a drastically new experience while on duty"

    Can you imagine the reaction (outrage, disgust, horror, arrest, Child Protective Services raids and hearings, removal of your child, divorce) if you showed up at a civilian range, pinned up pictures of your kid, and began blasting away at them with the explanation that you needed to ghet used to the idea of shooting him when the time came... to save lives?

    Has LET discovered some innovative way to turn a huge profit by being sued into oblivion?

    Are LEOs' wives now living in fear that their husband might be the one practicing killing their children?

  2. It's all dehumanization, the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil.

  3. Does anyone know where can I get a jack booted thug target? You know for desensitization training.

  4. They could expand their product line. Barney the Dinosaur or Big Bird with an AK-47. Kermit the Frog with an explosive vest. A Playboy Playmate holding... wait a minute, she was holding something? I did not notice.

  5. If Anonymous wanted to show us they were pro-freedom, maybe they could start by going after the people in the background of this. THEN I might decide they're not so bad.

  6. Many gun clubs prohibit certain types of targets, specificly targets that depict "Emotive Dictators", "Rabble Rousers", current "Political Figures" etc. for their club members. Our club also allows local LEO the use of our range for training but no one has ever questioned the policy about what the LEO may use for targets.

  7. Off-line BUT NOT off the that's sure a comforting thought.

  8. How about I go to my gun club or local indoor range with targets of the local police? How fast before multiple people complain to the RO? The over/under is 3 minutes.


  9. Let us call theise men what they ARE Der,Allgemeine Schutz Staffle and Der waffen Schutz Staffle. They are training to murder US!!! They mean to EXTERMANATE every,Man, Woman, Child of us. There are NO "good" cops no one who is not a NAZI baby killer will put on the uniform. Good men will join the people NOW. EVERYONE ELSE is the enemy, now and forever.


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