Thursday, February 07, 2013

We're the Ex-Only Ones Doubling Up Enough

Former LAPD officer a suspect in Irvine double murder [More

It doesn't say how long they inflicted this guy on the public...

Oh, and look: The adventure continues!

UPDATE: He's demanding "gun control" and praising Obama.  He's also showing how one guy with the right tactical knowledge, crazy or no, can disrupt an entire AO and show the state for how vulnerable its enforcers really are.  I link to his manifesto in this piece--the mainstream media scrubbed their copy at request of LAPD--this links to the unscrubbed version--we'll see h0ow long it stays up, I suggest everyone make a copy.


  1. Wait... One of the "Anointed" class misbehaved? Unpossible!

    Simple solution: Remove and outlaw all "Only One" exemptions from any and all gun laws. "If it saves one life..." and all.

    What's that? "Gun laws would never get passed without police union support"? How's the phrase go ... "That's not a bug, it's a feature."

    We are better than this. Not that they'll actually step up and act like it.

  2. He's also a big Obama/Feinstein supporter and a media matters quoter. Another deranged lefty.

  3. Another report on the Torrance m/i/s/t/a/k/e/n/ panic shootings:
    LA police shoot innocent people in ex-cop manhunt
    "Los Angeles police say officers guarding a target in an ex-officer's manifesto shot and wounded multiple people in Torrance who were in a pickup."
    "T[there was another police shooting nearby involving another pickup truck, but the driver wasn't hurt."

    Fortunately, the wrong people were shot -- and shot at -- by trained professionals who never make mistakes like civilians inevitably must.


    My pickup is blue. I hope NH is far enough away from the panic-stricken idiots.

  4. Waitaminnit... Didn't California already ban "assault weapons" and 30 round magazines? Were the suppressors this [censored] claims to possess registered? Or, as former LEO, did he get grandfathered? Or was he just... no, couldn't be; criminals don't break laws.


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