Monday, March 18, 2013

A Simple Word

"Assault." [More]

I can't tell you how pleasantly surprised I am to see this appear on a mainstream news site.

As for the AP Stylebook, well, it's not like them having an agenda should surprise anyone.

[Via Harvey]

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that the left is not interested in facts. In point of fact, facts are anathema to the prohibitionists agenda. I watched the video linked to in the article. The officer on the video is operating under the misguided assumption that if the facts are known, the argument will go away. IT WILL NOT!!! The prohibitionists want nothing less than to completely disarm the electorate. They know that so long as we have an armed electorate, they cannot exercise the sort of control over the masses that they desire to exercise. And yes, I know just how paranoid that sounds. The very idea of having to be afraid of our own government sounds totally "out there". EXCEPT!!! Government going rogue is a process that has been repeated ad infinitum in history. Power corrupts. Governments exist to exercise power. Therefor it is axiomatic that governments WILL become corrupt. It is inevitable. There is no way to stop the process. The only remedy ultimately is, in the sage words of the founders, "to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government".


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