Thursday, March 14, 2013

What a Friend We Have in E-ric

Christ Almighty, what a pal!

Here's why:
If the Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act(S.47) passes the House, as Eric Cantor is currently twisting Republican arms to do, “unpleasant speech” will be considered a federal crime qualifying as domestic violence...The Violence Against Women Act is the path to taking everybody’s guns, because it even changes the burden of proof effectively from the accuser to the accused.  That’s right, under this act, if you are accused, it will be nearly impossible to avoid being found guilty because almost anything remotely unpleasant can be considered as “abuse” or “violence.”
  [Via Mack H]


  1. When Cantor was in the Virginia House of Delegates -- and Doug Wilder was Governor -- Eric voted FOR One-Handgun-a-Month. He late claimed it was because his constituents wanted it.

    He can't prove that and he has never recanted or apologized for voting for gun control.

  2. David,

    Did you know about this?

    Madison Project: Hall of Shame

    I was ignorant. No more.


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