Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Our Democracy"

Isn't that what Obama always calls the Republic? So naturally, if he can't get enough votes from the representatives of the people, he'll rule by diktat. [Read]

What'll we be looking at first? Tampering with exports?  Something else sure to screw us over and exact petty revenge?

In terms of pulling the gun bill, Chris Woodard advises Reid can bring it back at any time.  Per a GOA alert:
Harry Reid’s bill (S. 649) is still on the floor of the Senate, and there are two scheduled votes that will take place tomorrow. Eventually, the Senate will vote on whether to end debate on the bill (known as cloture), but that vote won’t necessarily take place tomorrow. The Senate will need 60 votes to end debate, but if they can’t reach that threshold, the bill effectively dies. So GOA is telling Senators to vote AGAINST cloture on the bill, whenever that vote comes. ACTION: We think that we can defeat cloture on final passage of the bill. But, to be safe, GOA is encouraging activists to contact their Senators and urge them oppose cloture! You can reach them at 202-224-3121.
[Via Andrea Shea King]

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