Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sacrificing the Fourth

Andrea Shea King weighs in. [Read]

What's pretty much unfathomable to me is how many cud chewers out there are just fine with this, and believe all the "Heroes of the Fatherland" crap being fed to them by the overlords.  Anyone who scoffs and says "It can't happen here" is simply a fool, that is, assuming they actually believe it. The kind who says it and knows it's a lie is something else.

A photo has been circulating around the internet over the past few days, taken from a window where one of the Sardaukar in an APC is aiming his rifle at the picture taker, who is simply capturing the street scene taking place outside his residence, evidently now a potentially capital crime.

There's no small amount of irony when you juxtapose that chilling, intolerable scene against the words of Dear Leader:

Whatever they thought they could ultimately achieve, they’ve already failed. They failed because the people of Boston refused to be intimidated. They failed because as Americans we refuse to be terrorized.—Barack Obama

Every damn thing these people say is an Orwellian lie designed to enslave you. Everything.


  1. This is why they so badly want our guns. They got them in Massachusetts, so now they can pull this Soviet-style crap without fear of reprisal there.

  2. Not to state the obvious - but - - isn't the JBT Asshat in the cupola aiming directly at the picture-taker with a "personal defense weapon?

  3. Ned, He must have thought that was Dzhokar up there snapping a pic of him.

  4. April 19th 1776 our great nation came to be with the "shot hers 'round the world"

    April 19th 2013 our great nation died at the hands of government thugs.

    238 year, a pretty good run, too bad it's over, at least in the liberal states in the communist Northeast.

  5. For clarity's sake, the thug in the cupola is a cop, not a National Guardsman, although the vehicle is, I assume, borrowed from the Guard.

  6. Here we see the face of American police militarization. Armored vehicles, thousands of cops with real automatic weapons, one of the nation's largest cities locked down, homeowners ejected from their homes without warrants...all for one wounded and hiding teenager. Theatre for the Media...Tragedy for the rest of us. Could the King's men of the 18th century have been as arbitrary and ruthless as this?

  7. Looks a lot like post-Katrina, without all the water and destruction.


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