Sunday, April 07, 2013

Toomey being touted as key to gun deal

If you don’t punish betrayals, and if politicians know they can do so without consequences, what incentive do you give them and others who would follow their bad examples to change? Cowardly acquiescence at the polls simply guarantees more betrayals. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary tells gun owners they have a choice to make.  Which one will you make?


  1. Though I'm in Kalifornication I sent him the following message: "Don't go along with the Demcrats who are trying to pick away at our constitutional rights little by little. If your guns were confiscated and intruders broke into your house to threaten your family, are you going to wait minutes for the police or take matters into your own hands? Think of the thousands of lives saved every year by responsible persons using a gun to protect their lives and their family's lives. Think about it!" Can't change any representatives opinions in CA. Hopefully can help others.

  2. I have supported him here in PA in the past and hes been getting a letter a week from me. He campaigned on not being Arlen Spector, and he's looking more like him every day.


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